There are books like Dorothy McRae-McMahon's book which some of us use. 1. Eugene Stockton: Certain writers are drawing attention to the coast, having the equivalent influence. Calgary has the fifth largest urban Indigenous population in Canada. RN Content. The Peyote Religion legally termed and more properly known as the Native American Church has also been called the "Peyote Road" or the "Peyote Way", is a religious tradition involving the ceremonial and sacred use of Lophophora williamsii (peyote). h�b``0b``�����x*`b�L yƧ���L������R�0 M�� ��3Oc�N�6.S?�VF�c� L�LA\3�7�Nbx���;�w������"�����"������9 N X��`���bv�o�P�� |A$�
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Rachael Kohn: Eugene, I know that you were very instrumental in that, you were kind of the spiritual guide. 0000006782 00000 n
Rachael Kohn: Next week the Chief Rabbi of the UK, Jonathan Sacks, on the meaning of life. 1. '�8M�s�YН�L'�L�� 0���3���vш�$�,�2��S�>����O�|Zf�Okx\�j�^>,?G ����F%�x�4����݄�;B(
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Jim Tulip: This is where the bulldozer came through, just to create a fire break, and that was the dramatic moment of the fire that came up from the south. Rachael Kohn: Eugene Stockton, in conversation with Jim Tulip and Peggy Goldsmith, my guests on The Spirit of Things, which this week looks at Wellspring, a new Australian Christian community. 0000001800 00000 n
Jim Tulip: One of the other places Peggy was out at St Theresa, wasn't it, the mission? At these times we chat as friends and it's just a happy meeting of minds. 0000107834 00000 n
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The colours of the Centre, the great blue skies, and red earth of the hills and the tawniness of the vegetation, these are being captured just in abstract colourations in this women's centre of paintings. Eugene Stockton: We use a Prayer Diary. Peggy Goldsmith: Some people know it as the Oak Fire Trail. But it's normally followed a period of worship or reflection, the sharing of stories before we actually take part in the meal. 0000008432 00000 n
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It was a wonderful experience to find a community actually run by Aboriginal people themselves, and we waited on them till they were ready for us to greet them and meet them and then had a very interesting session looking at paintings which have been produced by that community, and also visiting a workshop set up for women, who are learning to paint in their traditional styles. Walk in the Blue Mountains with three members of Wellspring, an ecumenical community of people seeking new and Australian ways of living the Gospel.
Dadirri recognises the deep spring that is inside us. So these are the various influences I think that we're going to find on our developing spirituality. And again, like Aboriginal art, I think the bush will have an effect on our developing spirituality. When you talk about that ordered, disciplined Christianity, what are you really describing there, referring to there? RN Navigation 0000003149 00000 n
How would you see Wellspring in the spectrum of Australian Christianity if you were to kind of conceptualise where the churches are at in Australia, where would you place Wellspring? Eugene Stockton: I'm Eugene Stockton, I'm a Catholic priest, and I've retired from parish ministry, and Wellspring has been very important as providing a community, and it's important to me because I come into contact with other experiences of religion, and also the interests we have in the Australian spirituality. It also makes us very aware of each other. 0000039268 00000 n
So keep an eye out for that. 0000004352 00000 n
Within the Grand Palace located in the centre of Bangkok it enshrines Phra Kaew Morakot. 0000002341 00000 n
Peggy Goldsmith: I think that's hard to tell. It is about mystical prayer, the prayer of simply gazing at God. You know the sort of larrikin type of Have a fair go, that sort of thing, which is quite different from, say, American or British, and certainly different from Celtic. In 2011 they had banned sailing on the lake due to its spiritual significance. Aboriginal spirituality is deeply linked to the land which "owns" Aboriginal people. The program was recorded in the Blue Mountains and produced by me and Geoff Wood with technical production this week by John Jacobs. “My dream for Indigenous Gathering Place is one that is filled with children, youth and adult books regarding culture written by Indigenous authors and allies. 1. Lake Eyre in South Australia is sacred to the local Arabana people. Rachael Kohn: Peggy, where did Wellspring come from? 0000003282 00000 n
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I in them, and you in me, that they may become perfectly one. So sacred, in fact, that the government is banning visitors from climbing Uluru as of October next year. But she said, I'm looking. Jim Tulip: By and large it is a support group for people who are very active in the church, and you find its most positive contribution that it gives people who are themselves either priests or rectors, or leaders in congregations, the chance to widen their horizons and get a sense of dynamism from the ecumenical experience that comes their way. Rachael Kohn: Eugene, you are from the venerable Catholic tradition, which of course has been around a long time. And I was rather surprised when she said she doesn't belong to a church, so there people like that. Rituals within Aboriginal Spirituality is a vital aspect to all features of the sacredness of the religion itself. Rachael Kohn: Jim, you've referred to Wellspring as a catalyst, and certainly your involvement with the refugee issue would put you on the left.
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