Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 could have been the game to kill the franchise.

What if someone offered you a large sum to stop seeing? If you have Control running at 1440p, for example, DLSS will render the game at 1080p and then upscale it to 1440p based off the references the A.I. Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare almost single-handedly redefined the modern first-person shooter with its thrilling campaign and endlessly customizable multiplayer component, so the bar was sky-high for Modern Warfare 2 when it released two years later. Would you use a ghost powered battery on your phone? 74. What if animals could talk, which would be your favorite? What if you are the fastest animal on Earth, which animal would you be? 89. Read Also: 100 Thought Provoking Questions To Really Get Anyone Thinking Hard.

What if I didn’t fall for you would you have tripped me? Simply put, Odyssey’s ancient Greece is more visually interesting than Origins’ ancient Egypt. What if you found out I used to be a girl? What if you had to choose between me and your job? Part of it was in space, part of it was in urban areas, and part of it was in the foliage, but it lacked a strong villain or the mystery we’ve come to expect from Call of Duty. 71. The extremely popular HD Reworked Project has nearly 1,000,000 downloads on Nexus Mods, replacing the simpler geometry and textures of the base game with beautiful 4K scans. What if you choose one thing you could have forever, but you didn’t get anything else? Split across missions focused on Russian, British, and American soldiers, Call of Duty 2 took players everywhere from the beaches of Normandy to the deserts of North Africa, and its open-ended approach often gave you more than one way to approach a mission. The install size alone tells you everything you need to know. What if I had only one month to live?

7. Even with a modest GTX 1060, we were able to hit frame rates well above 60 at 1080p. The bombastic lens flares and larger-than-life explosions burst off screen with ray-tracing turned on, but you’ll need an extremely powerful computer to render all of those reflections.

80. Released:2020| Developer: id Software| Steam | Our …

With DirectX ray-tracing, though, the recommended specs are a 2nd gen Ryzen 7 or 8th gen Core i7, as well as a RTX 2080 and 16GB of RAM.

The mode even mixed in classic settings from the earlier games, as well as a section filled with Zombies ready to tear you limb from limb. What if aliens from another Galaxy are just about ready to reveal themselves us? Read our full Call of Duty: Black Ops III review. Focused on Americans in the Pacific as well as the Russians closing in on Berlin, World at War doesn’t shy away from the horrors of war. What if we could upload our consciousness into a machine? 2016’s Hitman wasn’t the most well-optimized game, stretching the limits of chips at the time to the point where players with top-of-the-line gear were getting less than 30 frames per second in certain sections. The level of detail in Modern Warfare is stunning, even down to how colors are portrayed in the game. 5.

48. The PC version provides some perspective, though. 3. There’s rarely a moment in Odyssey where you’re running on flat terrain, with rocks and subtle slopes guiding you through the mountainous landscape. If you want to see what your PC is made of, boot up Red Dead Redemption 2. Its convoluted progression system, however, didn’t work as well, and the Zombie mode felt out of place in an otherwise serious game. Its straightforward progression system emphasizes continued play and doesn’t include microtransactions for unlocking any weapons. All of the games are available for free. Most PC graphics mods verge into the “cinematic” territory, where the modder takes a liberal amount of artistic license.

Death Stranding is our first look at how Decima performs on PC, and thankfully, it’s all thumbs up. Final Fantasy XV needs around 150GB of space to install, and once the dirty work is done, takes up over 100GB on your hard drive. It gets even more confusing when you discover that the games share characters but are not narratively connected aside from the mention of a few events. What if you tied buttered toast to the back of a cat and dropped it from a height, what would happen? The visual style is only furthered by the sound design, with both elements working together to bring a visceral sense of realism. Hope you found it very interesting, revealing and fun. The latest entry, Metro Exodus, is fit with all of the current graphical trends, including real-time ray-tracing, per-object motion blur, and liberal use of tessellation. Visually, it’s on par with Origins, which makes sense considering the games were developed alongside each other. 2019’s Modern Warfare and the free-to-play add-on Warzone are no different. Its multiplayer emphasized customization with its Pick 10 system and a mix of futuristic weaponry, but its campaign was a scattershot series of missions that struggled to find an identity. What if life were a video game, what would some of the cheat codes be? That means a lot of NPCs and interactive elements, pushing your PC as it renders not only the character models and animations, but also the intelligence behind them. What if there were fourth, fix, or even sixth-dimensional beings watching and evaluating our every single action? All Ghillied Up is arguably the best mission in any first-person shooter, and it looks even better in the remastered version for modern consoles. 9.

What if you are asked to tell a joke, what would be the funniest joke you know by heart? 19. No longer were your enemies just coming from the left or the right, but possibly directly above your head.

Multiplayer wasn’t much better, thanks to the poor map design.

4. 86.

The new massive mode Ground War is a fantastic addition to its multiplayer offerings that should satisfy those left in the cold by DICE’s decision to skip a 2019 Battlefield release.

The best free games on Steam Assassin’s Creed Odyssey Visually, it’s on par with Origins , which makes sense considering the games were developed alongside each other. Developer Infinity Ward had been formed from former Medal of Honor developers, with Electronic Arts’ series still the king of war-themed shooters. Read our full Call of Duty: Ghosts review. What if I’m blasting my music and cannot hear my thoughts? 81. Although Control has a stark visual style, the environments themselves don’t have too much going on (outside of a whole lot of concrete, that is). 64.

Real-time strategy elements were even mixed into certain missions, and while they were only mildly successful, it showed the studio’s commitment to always trying new things. Modern Warfare’s competitive multiplayer put a renewed emphasis on personal performance rather than winning individual matches, with players now carefully eyeing their kill-to-death ratio as they modified their weapons with custom sights and grips. Multiplayer also made no attempt to innovate, but it was, at the very least, well-designed.

Few video game franchises are as influential and successful as Call of Duty. For PC gaming circles, the benchmark for computing power was quickly replaced by Metro 2033 when it released in 2010, and the series has remained a pillar of PC performance since. What if you had to pick one person to be with forever? 2. Were you able to play the what if questions? Nice try! 85. 17. With Remedy’s excellent lighting system, though, even concrete looks good. Visually, the games look the same; though, with Hitman 2‘s performance improvements, it ends up looking better overall.

The bleak story was somehow understated despite featuring interplanetary travel. One of the things that makes the entire franchise successful is its consistency. 27. Treyarch was finally able to get out of Infinity Ward’s shadow and establish itself as a premier Call of Duty studio with 2010’s Black Ops. To help get you started, we’ve found all Warzone bunker locations, the best weapons, and the best loadouts. All rights reserved. It didn’t take long for Infinity Ward to show what it was capable of, however, with a campaign split across three different nations’ militaries and a competitive multiplayer mode that planted the seeds for its future.

Metro Exodus is Crysis for 2020. We loved that the characters felt like real people, and the freedom to select side objectives helped with development. That is, of course, unless they played on Xbox 360 or PlayStation 3, which omitted the mode altogether. What if I had no money…would you still love me? Even Captain Price made an appearance! Which one would you choose? It’s a perfect showcase for how ray-tracing can elevate an environment, with lighting bouncing off of every possible surface inside The Oldest House. Despite this, the map design was unparalleled, and sniping an unsuspecting enemy from a window was incredibly satisfying. What if everybody in the world is stupid, what would they be doing? What Odyssey provides is a platform, through world design, for those effects to shine. Even if you don’t have the power, you can endlessly tweak the graphical settings. What if the world revolves around you? has. What if I never existed? Modern Warfare doesn’t disappoint as a multiplayer game, either, building on the foundation of its predecessors while adding new mechanics, such as reloading while aiming down the sights. What if Sean Spicer got elected the President of the United States?

Released after a very short development, Call of Duty 3 saw Treyarch take control of the series for its first main entry. Stick with the top picks on this list, and you can relish all the features that make the series a winner. The game’s potential only made the disappointment and frustration even harder to swallow in-game. Its scale was mind-blowing at the time, and the most cinematic moments still hold up today. From Max Payne to Quantum Break, Finnish developer Remedy Entertainment was always pushed the graphics envelope forward, and its latest release, Control, is no different. What if the world is coming to an end? No epic PC RPG is above a few mods, though, and the community has been hard at work updating The Witcher 3. 44. Thankfully, IO Interactive solved these performance issues with Hitman 2.

51. 84. If you want to see what next-gen visuals look like before the PS5 and Xbox Series X hit the market, Metro Exodus is for you. 95. 97. The kill-streak concept was expanded to allow for even more ways to eliminate your enemies, and the progression system remained one of the most satisfying in all of gaming. A thrilling mystery set during the Cold War and partially taking place in Vietnam, its ambitious story dealt with conspiracy theories and the role the United States could have played in the JFK assassination, along with the failed Bay of Pigs operation. What if everything we will do has been predetermined?

What if we have dreaming & awake backward? With an interesting approach to mid-match respawns and plenty of familiar map sections from across the years, Warzone builds upon the foundation of the Call of Duty franchise to spit out a PUBG/Apex Legends competitor that shouldn’t be ignored. What if I like to dance naked while listening to One Direction songs? Though it didn’t drastically reinvent the Call of Duty formula, Black Ops nonetheless delivered well-balanced combat across a variety of maps, ranging from the jungles of Vietnam to the famous Nuketown. What if I told you I want an open relationship?

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