Our current president – a corrupt egomaniac named Donald Trump – wants to erase the magnificent legacy of America‘s first African-American president, Barack Obama. In "The Audacity of Hope: Thoughts on Reclaiming the American Dream," Senator Barack Obama offers a message of hope to the cynics that would claim that our country is hopelessly divided and politics has devolved into a power game of little interest to ordinary Americans.

For any media inquiries, please contact Barry Fletcher: A unique presidency deserves a unique historical recounting... President Barack Obama's Two Tremendous Terms: Monthly Political Chronicle 2008-2016. I may not be able to spare Obama‘s legislation and policies from Donald Trump‘s wrecking ball, but at least I‘ll know I did something to support America‘s first Black president. And being the best is something we all should aspire to. It became number one on both the New York Times and Amazon.com bestsellers lists in the fall of 2006, after Obama had been endorsed by Oprah Winfrey. Like Jesus, Obama was willing to sacrifice his life for the betterment of the world (indeed, Obama risked assassination by mere virtue of daring to become the first Black president of a virulently racist nation). The American political pendulum has swung from the compassion, hope and change of Barack Obama to the destructive ―casual cruelty of Donald J. Trump. Turns out it was all just wishful thinking. The book you‘re holding represents my effort to honor Obama‘s legacy; to make sure that his accomplishments are forever remembered. The time has come for us to rebuff the divide-and-conquer politics of Donald Trump and the Republican Party. Just as Martin Luther King, Jr. imagined in his historic 1963 ―I Have A Dream‖ speech, Obama‘s ascension to the presidency made it appear as if the day had finally arrived where Blacks and other Americans of color were not ―judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character." We need to return to the saner, kinder, more hopeful leadership symbolized by Barack Obama. Jadi ya sudah. The people depicted in the book are all people who have struggled through adversity to create something beautiful and make change to our society. In this second printing, Fletcher has penned a compelling new foreword while adding newsy, contextual preludes to each poetic entry. Maybe a mother will read this book and prime her sons and/or daughters to run for office. Just as the Bible documents how Christ healed the blind, deaf and mute, so did Obama provide healthcare for millions of uninsured Americans. The rise of this retrograde intolerance hurt me to my soul.

Because even though he‘s no longer in office, the 44th President of the United States still represents the best in American executive leadership. With a compelling mix of poetry, historical facts and no-nonsense layman perspective, President Barack Obama’s Two Tremendous Terms. Obama‘s presidency brought the vermin out of the woodwork, proving that old-style, toxic racism was alive and well in the hearts of many Americans.

Hallelujah! I‘m so grateful that my mother lived long enough to see a Black man become President of the United States. It was sitting on my shelf forever. Ketipisan soalnya.Untungnya saya beli di obralan seharga IDR 10K. (Review will shown on site after approval), Of Thee I Sing: A Letter To My Daughters (2010), Tentang Dirimu Aku Bernyanyi: Surat Untuk Putri-Putriku (2011), Change We Can Believe In: Barack Obama's Plan to Renew America's Promise (2008), The Audacity of Hope: Thoughts on Reclaiming the American Dream (2006), Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance (2016). It is described by the publisher as "a moving tribute to thirteen groundbreaking Americans and the ideals that have shaped our nation." I couldn't help but think of my mother, the late Florence Audrey Fletcher. Sharecropping was exhausting, dangerous, even humiliating work.

The stories of thirteen ... Jujur aja sih, kalo saja beli buku ini dengan harga asli, saya gak bakal kasi 4 bintang. I‘m so glad she lived to see this nation begin to live up to its touted ideals of liberty, justice and equality for all. He inspired me the same way the old Baptist preachers did when I was growing up. Of Thee I Sing: A Letter to My Daughters is a children's book by United States President Barack Obama, with illustrations by Loren Long. With the full confidence of his bigoted supporters, Trump is trying to repeal landmark Obama legislation, including Obamacare, countless consumer protection policies, climate change agreements, foreign peace treaties, and much more. The Audacity of Hope: Thoughts on Reclaiming the American Dream is the second book written by then-Senator Barack Obama.

That might sound like blasphemy to some, but that‘s just the way I see it. But as America became increasingly diverse, these racists went underground, concealing their bigotry. The time has come for us to rebuff the divide-and-conquer politics of Donald Trump and the Republican Party. It's called "A Promised Land" and will cover his swift and historic rise to the White House and his first term in office. It was a bit odd to read a book like this written in 2008 and it is now 2012 and near the end of Obama's first term. But for some Black Americans, it was the only ―gainful employment‖ to be found those days. How could I not document the accomplishments of this poised, principled Black American leader? Hence this book.

Just as Jesus drove the money changers from the temple in Jerusalem, Obama did his best to constrain the banksters who had brought the world to the precipice of economic collapse. Immediately after his 2009 inauguration, Obama faced historic obstruction from a Republican opposition bent on destroying our new Black president. Former President Barack Obama highly-anticipated book, the subject of a lucrative publishing deal, has been pushed off until after the elections, according to a report on his post-presidency. It is a lovely and inspiring letter written by Barak Obama to his two daughters. In his political publishing debut, author and entrepreneur Barry Fletcher chronicles in rhyme the ambitions, struggles and soaring achievements of the Obama administration; from its hopeful January 2009 inauguration and the historic passing of the Affordable Care Act, to its hard-fought 2012 second term and triumphant 2016 conclusion. Former president Barack Obama delivers a tender, beautiful letter to his daughters in this picture book illustrated by the award-winning Loren Long (Otis) that's made to be treasured!

In the process of restoring America, Obama gave me pride and renewed purpose.

I write this introduction with a troubled heart. And, much like the man from Galilee, Obama was so virtuous and scandal-free that his Republican opponents couldn‘t pin anything on him.

He made me want to be accountable, to prove myself. The most unique book on Obama yet! Some conservatives were so upset by the thought of a Black man sitting in the Oval Office that they organized a political lynch mob called the ―Tea Party‖ to stop him. The floors were freshly scrubbed, the furniture rearranged. My biggest hope is that readers will learn about Obama‘s many trials, tribulations and accomplishments and be inspired to lead the sort moral, politically active life Obama himself has led. With Obama‘s election, I finally felt that African Americans like myself could in earnest bid good riddance to our indentured past. For decades, Republicans had won elections by employing the ―Southern Strategy,‖ a campaign device in which GOP politicians appeal to the worst racial fears and biases of White voters. Not just any Black man, but one as truly exceptional as America itself – Barack Hussein Obama. I held thirty-nine of them my first year in the Senate, all across Illinois, in tiny rural towns like Anna and prosperous suburbs like Naperville, in black churches on the South Side and a college in Rock Island. Maybe I read it a bit late. The first volume of former President Barack Obama's memoir is coming out Nov. 17, two weeks after Election Day.

In the book, Obama expounds on many of the subjects that became part of his 2008 campaign for the presidency. Maybe I read it a bit late. Soulful rhyming sensibilities of funk and hip hop. President Obama moved America FORWARD; hence, the conventional title foreword has been replaced. It was full of promises that he hoped to accomplish in the first four year term and beyond. I remember the horror I felt one hot summer day when she accidently impaled her hand while spearing bundles of tobacco. We need to return to the saner, kinder, more hopeful leadership symbolized by Barack Obama.

Obama‘s presidency was not easy, as anyone who lived through it will tell you. For several minutes, he fussed over a... Review will shown on site after approval. Rafiq wore a black suit and a black leather tie; his leather kufu was polished to a high gloss. In the immediate aftermath of his 2008 election, pundits speculated about a new ―post-racial‖ America where Whites finally accepted and embraced Blacks as equals. The book’s publisher, Penguin Random House, is slated to print 3 million copies according to Politico. With a compelling mix of poetry, historical facts and no-nonsense layman perspective, President Barack Obama’s Two Tremendous Terms is one of the most unique books on the Obama years, a work that evinces the tremendous pride and affection many Americans still feel for the 44th president of the United States.

Book Change We Can Believe In: Barack Obama's Plan to Renew America's Promise (2008) It was a bit odd to read a book like this written in 2008 and it is now 2012 and near the end of Obama's first term. Born in 1929, my mom lived much of her life as a sharecropper in Jim Crow-era Maryland. In this tender, beautiful letter to his daughters, President Barack Obama has…

There’s not a lot of fanfare involved. To me, Obama is a Christ-like historical figure. There was a new sign above the entrance, and the door had been propped open to let in the spring light. Fletcher's singular tome will appeal to everyone from students and educators, to seniors and Obama admirers of all stripes.

I hope ―President Barack Obama‘s Two Tremendous Terms‖ prompts every reader to stand up and be counted. Former President Barack Obama’s highly anticipated memoir will be published on November 17. President Barack Obama's Two Tremendous Terms: Monthly Political Chronicle 2008-2016 showcases 95 poems that combine the factual accuracy of news reportage with the soulful rhyming sensibilities of old school R&B and hip hop. Hence this book. The 768-page book will be released in 25 different languages. I hope ―President Barack Obama‘s Two Tremendous Terms‖ prompts every reader to stand up and be counted. His stainlessness was a rebuke to every conservative raised on the stereotype of the lusty, greedy, morally bankrupt Black man.

Not only do these repeals illustrate Trump‘s contempt for Obama, they show a callous disregard for the health and well-being of Trump’s own constituents. It was sitting on my shelf forever. This book made me cry. Senator Obama believes ... Nine years before the Senate campaign that made him one of the most influential and compelling voices in American politics, Barack Obama published this lyrical, unsentimental, and powerfully affecting memoir, which became a #1 New York Times bestseller when it was reissued in 2004. Now, onward.

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