The prime minister has also emphasized the link between human well-being and the environment, and has vowed to phase out fossil fuel subsidies to combat climate change. Other countries, including New Zealand, do the same. Thanks for signing up as a global citizen. Sept. 23, 2018 'It's just a set of opinions': Goldsmith brushes off Labour's fears of 'inevitable' health cuts, National promises 16-month tax cuts, '$3000 into back pockets of average earners', Copyright © 2020 MediaWorks TV - All Rights Reserved, By subscribing you agree to our Terms of Access and Privacy Policy. There may be more to prosperity than GDP, but the ethical side of the bigger argument isn’t against growth – but for it. She advocates for a new paradigm of success that uses the United Nations' Global Goals as its guiding set of principles. In these areas and myriad others, Britain has made a political decision to prioritise things other than growth.

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In fact, I don’t think they are nearly obsessed enough. "Well, as you can see, there's been a number of issues with their fiscal plan. "Economic growth accompanied by worsening social outcomes is not success," Ardern said. Extreme poverty ends with you. The move is part of a growing trend away from growth and towards other measures of a country’s social and economic performance. It is a strange line of reasoning from a member of a party who has spent the three years since the EU referendum claiming that Leave voters chose to make themselves poorer – and mocking them for doing so.

The country, led by Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, saw its economy shrink by a record 12.2 per cent in the June quarter. Ardern has become a champion of changing this framework. Goldsmith also wants to stop contributions to the NZ Super Fund, which has landed him in hot water after he admitted to miscalculating how much it would save, resulting in a $4 billion fiscal hole he described as "irritating". It just does not add up.".

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Judith Collins has hit back at Jacinda Ardern after the Labour leader questioned whether National had budgeted enough for health in its alternative financial plan and suggested they start over.

National's finance spokesperson Paul Goldsmith says he plans to save money by axing policies like KiwiBuild and paying for the first year of university for students. Regulations that insist on Britons conducting a bat survey before they knock a building down don’t feel like they were drawn up with a ruthless focus on GDP in mind. For some, however, the problem isn’t just how we measure growth, but growth itself. Are governments too obsessed with growth? Collins said it's unlikely the population will grow exponentially in the next few years, despite Stats NZ data showing the population is nearing 5.1 million with Kiwis flooding back because of COVID-19. As we pursue other objectives, the risk is that we take for granted the very thing that allows us to do so.

Welcome back! “The Coalition Government allocated over $3b through the PGF to boost growth … I'll give you one example: just to keep services ticking over in our hospitals, to keep the lights on, to keep the services people expect, that took an investment from us as Government of over $900 million. She said every policy pursued by a government should improve the human welfare of all people in a society. The World Bank, for example, unveiled its new Human Capital Project earlier this year to encourage countries to invest in the welfare of children as a way to ensure future economic stability. But Robertson pumped an extra $980 million to fund district health boards (DHBs) for inflation and population changes this year, before additional costs from COVID-19 were taken into account, and he fears National hasn't budgeted enough. Jacinda Ardern Wants to Make New Zealand the 'Best Place in the World to Be a Child'. People who want to learn about and take action on the world’s biggest challenges. Jacinda Ardern has delivered her address to a business audience at a central city hotel in Auckland, in stark contrast to the wooden church in Wellington from where she laid out her plans to reduce child poverty in a scene-setting speech, roughly a year ago. If you earn between $60,000 and $80,000 a year you'll get between $2500 and $3500. I don’t think so.

Political decisions that put other considerations ahead of growth are all around us. Please contact us at if you would like to re-activate your account. "What we do know is this: the only numbers that people need to think about are this - $3000 in the back pocket of your own money giving you a tax cut.". Richer countries can afford to take environmental action, while a mix of technological innovation, market forces and a carbon tax are our best bet when it comes to averting rising temperatures and mitigating against their consequences. As a result, inequality began to soar, with some people becoming spectacularly wealthy while others struggled to escape poverty. Mass immigration, is that her plan? But strip back the trendy packaging of New Zealand’s budget and similar proposals elsewhere, and you are left with little more than a heavy sprinkling of cash for public services. The thinking is that children who receive health care, education, and nutritious diets will be more productive in the future. That’s nothing new on the centre-left and, given the difficulty governments across the developed world have in keeping spending under control, not something the old-fashioned way of thinking about the economy was very good at stopping. Sign in to start taking action. It’s what meant we escaped the grinding poverty that defined humanity’s existence for thousands of years. Labour's finance spokesperson Grant Robertson is concerned National has promised the tax cuts at the expense of things like health and education, and is warning Kiwis to expect cuts to services. Collins was referring to the 16-month tax cuts National has promised if it wins the election. "There is no point in subsidizing the climate change we seek to [fight]," she said. National has left for everything in that first year $800 million.

New Zealand's ruling party leader Jacinda Ardern said she tried cannabis a long time ago when asked during a heated live debate on Wednesday ahead of the Oct 17 general election. Iceland's prime minister, Katrin Jakobsdottir, and the prime minister of New Zealand, Jacinda Ardern, joined Ms Sturgeon in calling for new social indicators to … She said National hasn't budgeted enough for health. Not a Global Citizen yet? ... "Our numbers do not take into account the fact that we very much anticipate that we can get our economy growing. The eye-watering figures, released on Thursday by Statistics New Zealand, are significantly more severe than Australia's record seven per cent plummet during the same period. Embed from Getty Imageswindow.gie=window.gie||function(c){(gie.q=gie.q||[]).push(c)};gie(function(){gie.widgets.load({id:'ISgSQ0UETVVdcbsX8eH3Kw',sig:'xFZOg7cnqXIP04LvJ9gEeHnsh26RL4ylKYEbC3pK8AU=',w:'594px',h:'395px',items:'1177030072',caption: true ,tld:'com',is360: false })}); New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern criticized the tendency among countries to measure success by economic growth and gross domestic product at the 2019 Goalkeepers event on Wednesday, hosted by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

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Hardly any politician or economist has a polite word to say about it, and yet it remains, by some margin, the economic measure that everyone pays the most attention to. Its industrial-era origins make it better suited to measuring the value of stuff made in factories and bought in shops – not our increasingly digital economy.

The figures are far worse than Westpac bank had predicted at 11.5 per cent. Find out more, The Telegraph values your comments but kindly requests all posts are on topic, constructive and respectful. She said she still has confidence in Goldsmith.

"Economic growth accompanied by worsening social outcomes is not success," Ardern said. GDP certainly isn’t perfect, but ignoring growth altogether would set us back. Credits: Newshub. And we don’t have a restrictive planning system because it is in our economic best interests.

But, leaving Brexit to one side, is the implication of what Ms Swinson and Ms Ardern are saying really right? We urge you to turn off your ad blocker for The Telegraph website so that you can continue to access our quality content in the future.

"It is failure.". Is that what Jacinda Ardern's secret plan is? Send petitions, emails, or tweets to world leaders. "No. Since taking office, Ardern has struggled to better include Maori voices in decision-making processes.

In New Zealand, that involves the Indigenous Maori people, who have historically faced widespread discrimination and social exclusion.

Ardern said that governments should instead focus on the general welfare of citizens and make investments in areas that unlock human potential. So, I think probably they need to start again," Ardern said on Friday.

"It's just basically people understanding when you're looking at a plan, there's always going to be the odd thing that goes wrong, but you know what?

Collins said in the West Coast on Friday. You need to be a subscriber to join the conversation. She said the global obsession with economic growth as the ultimate measure of success intensified in the 1980s, when countries around the world began to … For Ardern, the logic of this approach is self-evident.

Last week, New Zealand’s Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern unveiled a ‘wellbeing’ budget that she claims has laid the foundation for a ‘different approach for government decision-making altogether.’ ‘We are not just relying on Gross Domestic Product, but also how we are improving the wellbeing of our people,’ said New Zealand’s Finance Minister. Contrary to the claims of climate activists like Extinction Rebellion and other supporters of a ‘degrowth’ environmental agenda, development is part of the solution to climate change, not the problem. The tax cuts will cost $4.7 billion, paid for from the Government's COVID-19 fund, and Ardern has accused National of "raiding" the fund, because it was set aside in case we're hit with another major coronavirus outbreak.

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