This phase of the program will extend the curriculum and teacher professional development reforms from Primary into Junior Secondary years of schooling, as well as continue to improve English language capability of teachers, access and participation in education for all girls and boys in Kiribati, school building rehabilitation, and support to enhancing the management capacity of the Ministry of Education.
Under the KEIP, primary schools are being progressively upgraded with an annual budget of AUD 2.4M to meet the National Infrastructure Standards (NIS) and the Kiribati National Building Code. We have worked closely with our partners to establish the Primary School Rehabilitation Plan that integrates infrastructure development with other activities such as teacher training and workforce development, design and roll-out of school curricula and assessments and improvements in education policy. There is potential the 21 months will expand, noting the need for flexibility and adaptation to a rapidly changing environment. It is a ten year program which started in 2011 and is currently about half way through the second of three phases. For more information and to make a bid you will need to go to the third party website. Australia has been supporting the Ministry of Education in Kiribati to improve the quality of basic education through the Kiribati Education Improvement Program (KEIP). Description. Contact Us The Coffey-managed Kiribati Education Improvement Program (KEIP) is focused on ensuring all children in Kiribati have access to quality schooling. Revisiting previous assumptions and altering project implementation mid-stream will allow the project to account for the changing landscape. The current phase, Phase Three (2016-2020: AUD$32 million commited), focuses on improving learning outcomes in basic education (grades one to nine) and sectoral planning and management. Kiribati Teachers College, click here Past Exam Papers 2012 - 2016, click here Kiribati Education Improvement Program (KEIP), click here for more info. To ensure the local communities are provided with safe, hygienic schools, KEIP supports building new classrooms and refurbishing existing classrooms; upgrading water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) facilities; implementing a school maintenance schedule; and supporting community outreach that keeps local residents informed and engaged throughout the progress. Through KEIP, Tetra Tech is improving school infrastructure by applying the innovative KitSet school building model, which uses pre-fabricated modules purposely designed for Kiribati’s tropical conditions and logistical constraints. Follow Us: Copyright © 2020 Tetra Tech, Inc. | Legal Notices | Site Map, International Internet Connectivity Services, India Forest-PLUS 2.0: Forest for Water and Prosperity, Feed the Future Ethiopia Land Governance Activity, USAID Artisanal Mining and Property Rights, Central African Republic, Infrastructure programming and development, Sustainable infrastructure design and building, Teacher professional development and training. Tetra Tech also identified model inclusion schools and developed a teacher assistant program in support of the MoE’s inclusive education policy. Australia - Kiribati Education Improvement Program (KEIP), Department for International Trade on GOV.UK, Go to the page for international businesses. Tetra Tech also focused on improving schools’ curricula and leadership. Phase II (2013-2016: AUD$22 million) focused on learning outcomes for school years’ 1 to 4 and service delivery. In doing so, we will retain the existing emphasis on improvement to student learning in basic education and sectoral system strengthening, in line with the priorities of the Kiribati Ministry of Education Sector Strategic Plan (ESSP) 2020-2023 and Australia’s policy in the education sector. Image courtesy of the Australian Government’s Kiribati Education Improvement Program. The KEIP project team has developed and rolled out a new year seven curriculum, including syllabus documents, teacher subject guides, and student learning resources; produced an assessment and certification framework for the new Junior Secondary School curriculum; and completed a review of the year one through six curricula, looking specifically at improving literacy and numeracy skills. In addition to modifying school buildings to accommodate all children, including those with disabilities, KEIP is helping MoE mainstream children into its regular classes. |, Gender Equality, Disability and Social Inclusion Consulting, Research, Monitoring and Evaluation Consulting, 2016 - Pacific Readiness for Investment in Social Enterprise, Pacific Readiness for Investment in Social Enterprise, A building blocks approach to education is already paying off. , In doing so, we will retain the existing emphasis on improvement to student learning in basic education and sectoral system strengthening, in line with the priorities of the Kiribati Ministry of Education Sector Strategic Plan (ESSP) 2020-2023 and Australia’s policy in the education sector. The current phase, Phase III (2016-2020: AUD$32 million), focuses on improving learning outcomes in basic education (years 1 to 9) and sectoral planning and management. to find another.
In addition, the country is affected by water, sanitation, and climate challenges due to its low-lying and tropical geography. A key component of achieving program success is creating school environments that facilitate learning. WOMAN: The Kiribati Education Improvement Program, KEIP, came into being at the request of the government of Kiribati in answer to widespread community concern at the standard of education being offered to the young in Kiribati as they face a new and perhaps different future in the modern world. There is potential the 21 months will expand, noting the need for flexibility and adaptation in what has become a rapidly changing environment. Australian Trade and Investment Commission Act, International opportunities for Australians, Key findings from the first Onshore International Student Sentiment Survey National Report, Temporary Graduate visa eligbility changes, Translational education opportunity for Industry 4.0 courses in South Korea, 2020 Australian Trade and Investment Commission. Alternative Meanings 9 alternative KEIP meanings. KEIP is also encouraging and facilitating higher transition rates from primary to junior secondary school and aims to establish a strong educational foundation for young I‐Kiribati who wish to progress to higher education and training. uses cookies to make the site simpler. Export Opportunities Under the KEIP, primary schools are being progressively upgraded with an annual budget of AUD 2.4M to meet the National Infrastructure Standards (NIS) and the Kiribati National Building … During KEIP Phase 1 (2011-12) A&L was responsible for managing the infrastructure program including site inspections, meetings, design, drafting, material quantities, tendering, contract formation, contract administration, etc.