} Mehr Informationen über unsere Cookie-Richtlinien, © 2020 Ocean Maps. color: #1b9da7; Our team will review it and, if necessary, take action. // 4. Each item below this contains a web mapping application, or "app." - Display wave height on maps with a color gradient. GeoMapApp provides data layering, display customization and analytical tools … The easy to use and learn interface makes sure …

border-top-color: #1b9da7; höchster Standards, was Datensicherheit und Stabilität der Systeme betrifft. Wir stehen dafür, Ihnen Grundlagen für die Vermittlung von Ist-Zuständen und Entscheidungsgrundlagen Also the ability to zoom into the model is wonderful. We regularly update our maps to give you even more insights into these beautiful underwater worlds.« I am blown away by the immerse experience. Now, the Ulysses is an attraction for scuba divers and is available in interactive map format on the scuba diving app by Ocean Maps. On the map, color gradient display wave heights in meter. #colibri .style-681 > div > .colibri-menu-container > ul.colibri-menu li > ul > li:hover, #colibri .style-681 > div > .colibri-menu-container > ul.colibri-menu li > ul > li.hover { Wir gehören zu den Spitzenreitern in Österreich wenn es um die Vermessung des Grundes unter Wasser geht. No new features are included.

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Animation is smooth thanks to a unique rendering technology. Individuelle Software und Apps. #colibri .style-1520-icon { Thanks for reporting your concern. All the different world areas are covered. Download GALILEO 2, HUD, MATRIX, CHROMIS, MANTIS, A1 & A2 dives to your mobile. }, var player; Ocean Maps wants you to dive safely.

background-color: #1b9da7; MX Mariner. Diese Website verwendet Cookies, damit wir dir die bestmögliche Benutzererfahrung bieten können.

Ocean Maps offers the world’s first interactive 3D maps for scuba divers and snorkelers. "Top Scuba" is our App for professional dive centers and businesses. player = new YT.Player( 'ik_player_iframe', { Visit Chrome.com to get the fast Chrome browser for Windows. Prepare for your underwater adventure with our interactive dive simulations in a 3D environment based on exact geographical data.▶ PREPARE FOR YOUR DIVE WITH 3D DIVE SIMULATIONPre-discover dive sites in natural view to prepare for your diving adventures. The world’s first interactive 3D scuba maps for Aqaba - by Ocean Maps, The world’s first interactive 3D scuba maps for Y-40 - by Ocean Maps, The world’s first interactive 3D scuba maps for Bahamas - by Ocean Maps. border-left-color: #1b9da7; With Family Sharing set up, up to six family members can use this app.

Sie anschaulich und intuitiv bedienbar zu machen, macht präzise Daten erst wirksam. Ob Bathymetrie, Laserscan oder Photogrammetrie, mit unserer in-house Lösung visualisieren wir alle gängigen GIS Daten für Sie. We would also love to hear your feedback in order to even further develop app features for you! width: 80px;

#colibri .style-733 > div > .colibri-menu-container > ul.colibri-menu.solid-active-item > li::after, #colibri .style-733 ul.colibri-menu.solid-active-item > li::before { Navionics electronic navigation charts of marine areas, lakes, and rivers provide boaters around the world with detailed cartography, HD bathymetry, and advanced features for use with their GPS chartplotters and mobile devices. Track swells from D-2 to D+4, with 7 swell maps covering the planet. Cookie-Informationen werden in deinem Browser gespeichert und führen Funktionen aus, wie das Wiedererkennen von dir, wenn du auf unsere Website zurückkehrst, und hilft unserem Team zu verstehen, welche Abschnitte der Website für dich am interessantesten und nützlichsten sind.

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Alpenstraße 99, 5020 Salzburg, Österreich. Full featured Dive planner! Dive the reef in different seasons, try different tours and visit the best hotspots. Diese Integration erfolgt unter Berücksichtigung } } Do you want to dock your boat in a slip under different conditions? Wir vermessen hochgenau - ob unter Wasser mit modernster Sonar-Technologie oder über Wasser mit der Unterstützung von hochprofessionellen Partnern und Equipment. events: { 'onReady': onPlayerReady} This update is signed with Apple’s latest signing certificate.


Navionics. #colibri .style-733 > div > .colibri-menu-container > ul.colibri-menu li > ul li.current_page_item, #colibri .style-733 > div > .colibri-menu-container > ul.colibri-menu li > ul > li.current_page_item:hover { While hand-drawn maps are known to have low accuracy, our maps are based on high-resolution sonar, video and satellite data to achieve the most accurate site visualization. » - Markus Rudolf, Scuba Diving Instructor▶ FIND YOUR NEW FAVORITE TOUR AND DIVESPOTExplore Hotspots like a sunken plane or a lorry on the ground of the lake. Wir machen große und detailgetreue Datenmengen erlebbar: So realistisch und intuitiv, als wenn Sie selbst vor Ort sind.

#colibri .style-1974 > div > .colibri-menu-container > ul.colibri-menu > li:hover > a, #colibri .style-1974 > div > .colibri-menu-container > ul.colibri-menu > li.hover > a {

function onPlayerReady(event) { Español (España, Alfabetización Internacional). Blue-2 The Sailing Academy (Michael Menard), By purchasing this item, you are transacting with Google Payments and agreeing to the Google Payments. } Copyright © 2020 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. Swipe the calendar's days in the bottom of the screen to change the display date, and you will see the storms moving like never. » - Nik Linder, Mares Team▶ DIVE SAFELY WITH OCEAN MAPSOcean Maps wants you to dive safely. Download this app from Microsoft Store for Windows 10, Windows 10 Mobile, Windows 10 Team (Surface Hub).

The world’s first interactive 3D scuba maps for Aqaba - by Ocean Maps, The world’s first interactive 3D scuba maps for Y-40 - by Ocean Maps, The world’s first interactive 3D scuba maps for Bahamas - by Ocean Maps. color: #1b9da7; Wenn du diesen Cookie deaktivierst, können wir die Einstellungen nicht speichern.

Dies bedeutet, dass du jedes Mal, wenn du diese Website besuchst, die Cookies erneut aktivieren oder deaktivieren musst. background-color: #1b9da7; Stay informed about special deals, the latest products, events, and more from Microsoft Store. - Bubble display of biggest waves }

Ocean Maps is an awesome tool for every ambitious diver.

background-color: #1b9da7; - First person control (dive mode). body a { « For me as a diving instructor, security and preparation have the highest priority. Ocean Maps offers the world’s first interactive underwater sonar maps of dive-sites in 3D for scuba divers and snorkelers.Discover the best dive sites in 3D at one of the most visited dive site in Germany: Kreidesee in Hemmoor. #colibri .style-681 > div > .colibri-menu-container > ul.colibri-menu.solid-active-item > li::after, #colibri .style-681 ul.colibri-menu.solid-active-item > li::before { You’re now signed up to receive Microsoft Store emails. Sea-Seek - Distance Calculator. border-right-color: #1b9da7;

Präzise Daten ersetzen Annahmen. Created for free using WordPress and.

Make use of the interactive first-person 3D dive mode to explore underwater worlds in advance and safely.« Ocean Maps is my daily companion when preparing and planning my next world records. Try a dive into the ,,Rüttler” and explore the hidden underwater worlds like never before. }

keyboard_arrow_down. Now, the Ulysses is an attraction for scuba divers and is available in interactive map format on the scuba diving app by Ocean Maps. Ocean Maps offers the world’s first interactive 3D maps for scuba divers and snorkelers. This app is available only on the App Store for iPhone and iPad. Copyright © 2020 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.

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