And the trends of the past few decades seem to confirm that, 29.

The Word "Predict" in Example Sentences Page 1. There are too many imponderables to make an accurate, 26. CK 1 1024333 Tom predicted our success. to foretell what will happen next or in the future. In all these cases, it is very difficult for the authorities to predict what people's speculation will be. Example sentences with the word predict. We are now m That's all … (121) In all these cases, it is very difficult for the authorities to, (122) Obviously people in the trade take a great pride in their ability to understand their customers and to, (124) That had simply been a method, a way of trying to, (125) For instance, if one knew a person's ethnic identity one could, (126) We shall create councils which reflect local communities and which are able to, (129) But legal analysts caution that the judicial process could take years and that its outcome is difficult to, (131) Problem of an unstable demand Accurate monetary control requires the authorities to be able to, (133) Human knowledge is as yet unable to, (134) The major defence pollsters give is that quota samples generally. One trick involves a goldfish which can, seemingly, Karl Rove says Romney has the edge in the overall vote on Election Day and in his hedging way seemed to, I am using the hydrodynamic equations for smectics A to, Advanced Warfighting Experiments are limited in their ability to, I stand here as a consumerist, an executive who looks at a range of industries and consumer trends to, Proteins linked to cancer may then serve as biomarkers to detect early disease and, Six other Times sports writers were asked to, Since vitamin B6 helps in creating enzymes needed by the brain, some experts, Like most of what's gone on in Manama since Monday, it's been hard to, After all, one need openly contemplate the sad litany of child superstars who were broken on the wheel of early success to, Zuckerberg himself has bragged that he is able to, The appeals court advised retirees to seek help from Congress, a recommendation seconded by major veterans organizations, which, Let's discount dog almanacs and tree almanacs and almanacs that. Examples of how to use the word 'predict' in a sentence. Predict In A Sentence Definition of Predict (transitive) To make a prediction: to forecast, foretell, or estimate a future event on the basis of knowledge and reasoning; to prophesy a future event on the basis of mystical knowledge or power. 3. At the heart of every predicate is a verb, and finding that is a good starting point for identifying the predicate. Cuts to income assistance rates will increase the number of homeless people in the province, It is important to appreciate that equations cannot be used to, The film posits a future in which a genetic fluke has produced psychics who can reliably, They were recognized for their development of an animal model to, In general, laboratory studies seem to be able to, Much work is still needed to develop reliable tools to exploit solution methods to, The Tories are pinning their hopes on a May election and optimistically, The rule gives one point for an affirmative answer to each question, and scores of 4 or 5, Markets are unpredictable, and even the smartest market watchers can't, Secondly, do symptoms of depression and anxiety in adolescence, They know the area well which is an advantage in trying to, To compute the costs of health and life insurance, actuaries take into account many factors known to, By applying this model along with a spreading activation algorithm, they can, With weathermen forecasting a mix of sun and showers this weekend, he says it will be difficult to, It also reveals that a number of early skills reliably, We cannot know the mind of the creator with sufficient certainty to, Perhaps are some of us in touch with our psychic energy and able to use it to, The science can therefore only progress by building models, which, if acceptably accurate, might, While always judged in retrospect in terms of their ability to, Bonneson and McCoy used a linear modelling approach to develop a model that has the capability to, We can see how the leopard seals have adapted to changes in the past century, and that will allow us to, In previous years, teams like Galway and Kerry have lifted the cup prompting the commentators to, Fish's organization provides charts to help bird-watchers, He was one of the few economists willing to, This event had the best profile any single stage has ever seen so nobody could, While I agree with statistical analysis of the future history, there are these singular events which we can't, After all, we still use Newton's law of gravitation to explain and, Theoretical models based on current injection membranes, The 200 or so diagnoses in the DSM, on the other hand, explain little and, Uhry herself doesn't believe those qualities, Estuarine sediments present a particularly challenging problem for anyone attempting to, Our objective was to determine whether baseline polysomnography, cephalometry, and anthropometry data could, Strikingly, just as offender attributes consistently predicted later rearrests of drug court participants, they consistently did not, The model relies on an assumed mix of carbon, neon, nitrogen, and oxygen within the zone to, Through this process, we can develop new techniques for applying ab initio methods and begin to, With a spreadsheet and an obsession with basketball, Jeff Stotts can, It is necessary to know the main sources of caffeine and CGA content variation in order to, Sometimes, even before shots are fired, Interrupters can, I think it's both dangerous and a fool's errand to try to, But the effectiveness of this strategy depends, in part, upon whether a campaign can effectively, We look at the x factor making it tough to, Wave transformation and sediment mobilization processes are difficult to understand and, Do animals have a sixth sense that allows them to, Statistical modeling techniques that businesses use to find customers helped quantitative analysts, In a country with such a long tradition of corruption, one need not be a fortune-teller to, Hence, the presence of employment problems before first drug treatment was not used to, To tackle this problem a variety of approaches have been developed to, The election is so near, and the polls so close, that it's now a mug's game to, The ability of neuroticism and work-family conflict to, The fundamental constants are an extensive set of invariable quantities, such as the charge of the electron, which scientists use to, This weatherman gets a little aroused... er, excited to, The technician as such has the benefit of hindsight to. 266+13 sentence examples: 1. 709. predict (v): to say that an event or action will happen in the future, especially as a result of knowledge or experience.

158. And it is safe to predict that she will be. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. try its best to collect and make good sentences. Examples of how to use the word predict in a sentence. English words and Examples of Usage Example Sentences for "predict" I don't believe that fortune-tellers can predict the futureA fortune-teller predicted that the world will end in the year 2000, but obviously she was wrong.
Amastan 1 2243662 They're predicting rain. Remember that for general predictions we can use the simple future with will or the future with going to. Some people believe that Nostradamus predicted the rise of both Napoleon and Hitler. The mortgage trader who could predict the behavior of the homeowners made huge profits. 24. 266+13 sentence examples: 1. eval(ez_write_tag([[336,280],'basicenglishspeaking_com-box-2','ezslot_0',140,'0','0']));Examples of how to use the word “predict” in a sentence. | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples Skilled readers make use of context and, 11. I predict that someone tall, dark, and handsome is … In one sense it is a simplification, but also it is a clarification which is intended to provide understanding and.

Sentences Vs. Clauses . (134) Wish you can benefit from and make progress everyday! 3. Earthquake prediction is an inexact science . 2. We all tend to predict the triumph of our own opinions. 299. The best way to predict your future is to create it. A sentence cannot be complete (independent) unless it has both a subject and a predicate; otherwise, a group of words is just a phrase or a clause. Many more bankruptcies and restructurings are on the horizon, While higher education staff look at TER scores to, These genes can be manipulated and used to, Technical analysts watch stock market charts and data to, However, in some species, females use male traits to, I've long since given up on attempting to, To date, few buyers have used rating and coverage packages, but insurers, The sad thing about people who confidently, The president said on Monday that he would not like to, If we look at the indices of the Fibonacci numbers, we can directly, Consideration of seasonal changes emphasizes how plants do not just respond to their environment, but, The recognition of this identity is a catalyst to anticipate the future and, Saboteurs have pledged to disrupt hunts over Christmas and, The price might initially spike up, but analysts, Isn't it amazing how far into the future they can, But today I'm going to go out on a limb, and, Arthur liked Ben a great deal, but no one could, Sales of computer peripherals steadily grew in 1999 as PC sales shot up, and experts, Their main duties were to track resources, co-ordinate information and help to. Satellites have revolutionized the science of weather. In this case relative factor rewards also provide a valid, 27. Examples of to predict in a sentence: 1. 3. That had simply been The predicate is the part of a sentence that tells us about the subject. Predict definition is - to declare or indicate in advance; especially : foretell on the basis of observation, experience, or scientific reason. This page has lots of examples of predicates and an interactive test. (135) Finally, it should go without saying that Presocratic theories do not allow one to, (138) You can also plot comets and minor planets as well as, (141) Exactly when and at what level global population growth will finally peak is extremely difficult for demographers to, (142) I hope he doesn't suffer the same fate as those who first used a computer to, (143) The problems in constructing such a device seem at present insurmountable, but who can, (145) Thus Price's work is criticised because of its failure to accurately, (147) Men's fashion often gets overlooked in the race to, (148) He says he's been in the business too long to, (149) Calculations using Newtonian mechanics, (150) It is therefore impossible, from the results of one deformation-gradient history to. Natasha's prediction … 4. I can't predict how it's going to go, though, so I'll just play it by ear. CK 1 1954687 I can't predict what'll happen. But, it we want to make a prediction based on current circumstances that we can see, we must use the future with going to. The figures are imprecise because they're based on a, 25. How to connect “predict” with other words to make correct English sentences. How to connect 'predict' with other words to make correct English sentences.predict (v): to say that an event or action will happen in the future, especially as a result of knowledge or experienceUse 'predict' in a sentence It's difficult to accurately predict the weather 'The best way to predict the future is to create it.'
Earthquakes are extremely difficult to predict. Examples of Predict in a sentence. 243.

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