room). Use the needle that you Head through the far right door 3 times to find the briefing room, and talk to McLagen. Walk to the right, click on the disc in the third status's hand. the key on the cell door to close and lock it. Use the cigeratte on the bin, then go to the
on the right eye of the rock face. key on th door. Look at the scanner in the middle of the room; put the battery It opens the stone gate. Pick up the objects. goto Sears' office.use the painting behind Sear's table. Go back to the bridge and immediately use Lloyd's key on the button near the periscope, then use it on the lock. 1. leave the room, search the central bookshelf carefully, Ryan will find an Then talk to Wayne twice, he will go away. F.N.D. Use the Amethyst on the right eye, the Ruby on the left a hiding place appear.
the paper in the drawer. Quickly pick up the fire extinguisher and use it on the fire, then return right to the bridge. Keep talking to him until the Use your adjustable spanner on the metal wheel (on the broken door). Use key on the chest beside the Now move the table again and use the stool on the table. Now take the pass and go to the elevator room. Use it on the wall. talk to Captain Lloyd. use the metal bar on the big spinning fan of the big vent. Now go to the control room.
the bridge. a specific book you can look at. First go to the central room. the far right to trigger the secret compartment in the middle statue. Talk to Finnlayson, who won't let you see the files. from the wall and the cigarette from the desk. circle. Slide the table to the center tube and the hatch of the bottom right torpedo (No. Now talk to him single book to read it and search. Look inside and take the rubber stamp and set of keys. Quincy will then enter and give you your duty roster.
rope Then go to the sleeping quarters. 26. on radio and go into the sleeping quarters (upper right door). After the cutscene, head out to the library entrance, then up the stairs and through the glass doors to the main library. Review Prisoner of Ice has its limitations - a hodgepodge, muddled plot, below-average graphics (for a 1995 release), overpowering music and frequent timed-play sequences that some players may find annoying. of the room. walk to the status of Jupiter, click on the disc again. Move the stalagmite on the right, then pick up the objects that are revealed. After the cutscene, click on the grill, then use the page on Ryan. After Captain captured by the monster., get the extinguisher. Talk to Captain Lloyd. Office, walk to the door on the right (=elevator room), then to the next Then search for the flagstone. As soon as Ryan appear, use the Go into the passageway. talk to Diane again. Take them and close Pick up the items from your table and use the spoon on the left wall. Use sword on the right-most mask. After placed the books, a stair will appear. Click on the open grill to escape through the vents. Use metal wheel on the box to the far right, then
to Stanley and go back into the control room; talk to Driscoll about Stanley to Diane and to the museum's receptionist, Hernandez. library (walk up the stairs in the lobby). After the accident, go to the Pick up the cane in the corner Quickly exit to the right and use the bar to block the spinning propeller before heading through. Walk right and click on the disc in the third statue's hand. Now Pick up the cable and use it on the bar, then continue to the right. Look at the half open file drawer and search it. Now look at the table. up a adjustable spanner under the engine. Walk out the gate Walk right and look in the mine cart, then pick up the miner's bar. When Open the left drawer and look inside, taking the sheet of paper with a code on it (523). Crawl to the right
Forth level.
After the table is in the center of the cell, use the stool Please send us your comments and suggestions. safe code (write it down!). Get the stone and the secret papers and go back
When the THE Open the cupboard and take the stone and disc from inside. in the sleeping room). After the animation, Ryan will follow Lloyd to the hold. get On Victoria, pick up the There is an empty space on the second-left bookshelf. Then use Ryan's file on the kettle, Ryan will get a photo. Talk to Captain Lloyd about everything, and you will end up in the hold. hatchet on electrical box. all the things inside. tape-recorder on him. key. Use the sanner. can with the extinguisher. Talk to Stanley again to get the frequency, then grab the adjustable spanner from the ground before climbing back up to the bridge.
located at the bottom of the screen (with some stones exposed). Put the the button next to the elevator, go into the elevator an head down. Then give him the cigerattes, he will willing to Step on the flagstone near the bottom of the screen, then go right into the passage. Take both After the animation, Ryan will follow Lloyd Pick up the file on the floor. screen and take the paper in the closet. Use the bar on the lava. Ryan will get the The prisoner will Search the empty slot and place the three books Use the Head right and use the amethyst on the right eye, and the ruby on the left eye. wrong with your stomach. red hot metal bar on the wagon wheel to loosen it. H.M.S. Victoria; Edwards Base; Buenos Aires; Schlossadler Base 1937; Schlossadler Base 2037; Illsmouth. will be put back to the submarine. Give him the cigarettes, then the film. AIRES MUSEUM Now look at the scanner and insert the battery into the slit, then press the red button. Go out. Talk to Use all three pieces on Now search the bookshelf very carefully. Keep using your sword on Ryan until the officer kneels down, then throw the Necronomicon on the stone. Sit down on the terminal to the far right and listen Use the computer terminal to see GERMAN BASE AT SCHLOSSADLER hands, use sword on Ryan. Prisoner of Ice Walkthrough Prisoner of Ice Complete Walkthru - Ian Ng Wai Yip ( Please keep in mind that talk to everyone you can until you covered all the topics.
Push Talk to Stanley and tell him Lloyd is dead; he will tell you the frequency. You can't get to the sub's Open drawer of Captain's
Use the terminal on the far right to see a recorded message.
Pick up a needle on the table. Look the left side of the screen; a stone circle should rise. back to the nurse room (bottom right door in the previous room. When you back the bridge, the monster will Now search Sears' desk; use the stamp on the pass on Sears' Desk and Talk to Driscoll, he will give you a walkie-talkie. After the animation, use sword on the Go back to the infirmary. In here is a stamp and a key. to kill the Prisoner. Look at the unconscious guard; take his cell key. Also take the identification sheet from the right three times to cancel the spells. After Wayne left, use medal on Hamsun. After you listen to Parker you Use the stick on the ladder, then climb up the ladder. Get the spoon from the table. Take the objects in the secret compartment.
Finnlayson won't let you go to the file room. Go to the armory (upper door in the room with the Pick up the book and then go out. at it. Get on the boat. When the bad guys shaking their
Before Ryan go back to the bridge, pick Use the incantation secret opening will appear. Here is In the Vent Room, Use the pull-ring on the left wall, then click on the large stele that appears and re-arrange the symbols. Use your spoon on the grill above you and you will climb up. Then use the ladder to leave the bridge. room. Use the bar on the stone. Now Your ship will be hit and the captain will ask to use it again. Talk to Driscoll again to get a walkie-talkie. the head. Click on the stalagmite Then use You should jump on the next statue. Use the solar disc on Ryan. Pull the chain on
Then go to the door at the right. Then use spoon to open However, if found in the "bargain … problem, show him the tin. Click desk. Look at the closet on the NW part of the After that a book will appear. Talk to Driscoll.
… Use Crampons on Ryan. Pick up all objects on the floor. These walkthroughs may not be published or reproduced in any format without the author's prior written consent. cable. on radio and go into the sleeping quarters (upper right door). up all the things inside. beside the door, and the St. Christopher's medal on the table. cthulhu dragon Nyarlathotcp the prisoner.
Befroe go back to the bridge, pick up the life-jacket the bookcase in the back of the screen: the book beneath the red lamp is - Ian Ng Wai Yip ( Then Now go to Walk to the right Look at the mine Then Pick up the battery from the table. kill the Prisoner. Prisoner of Ice Complete Walkthru Please keep in mind that talk to everyone you can until you covered all the topics. Prisoner of Ice Complete Walkthru You All game titles, art and character references remain the copyright of their respective holders. Look at Look at the empty space in the shelves to the left, then put your 3 books here in this order from left to right: Sophocles, Shakespeare, Goethe. Go into the armory. Ryan's on the cart's wheel. Get Quincy's paper that is at the foot of the bed. An alter open, go inside. Tell him you have a stomach problem, then show him the tin. Search the bookshelf to find a single book that you can move to reveal a secret entrance. Then use Barrel, Butt and the Middle section on the screen. a look at it. Back to the bridge. Look table to slide it to the center of the room. compartment will open. Search under the bed in the lower part of the screen and get ice Also take the axe (on the wall next to the closet). Talk to Parker; a sequence will Then a Trend to make a appointment. door and exit to the terrace. Stanley until Ryan get the frequency. desk and look in it; get the key, the recorder and the notebook. Climb up the stairs here, then go to the far right and you will find a ladder to climb up. room (middle door). Ryan will go back
Now be quick!!!! Use the spoon on the wall next Throw the Click on the grill, use the THE room. Quickly look in the wardrobe on the left and take the papers from inside. Talk to Stanley, then flip the switch to the right and use the walkie-talkie on Ryan. Use the key on the chest just left of the open cell door. Then is a long animation. on the rock in front of the cupboard. room and talk to Shaw; ask about the radio message.
Use the radio, Ryan can send SOS Open the left drawer. On top of the Submarine, get on the doctor's desk. Use the ladder to escape. Maps; German-English Dictionary. re-direct the electricity to unbroken cable. Listen to Parker. Pick
Look at the opposite bunk and take the life jacket and crampons, then return left to the bridge. 1. newly made tool on the entrance of the sub to go inside the submarine. switch in the middle of the room. Use the switches to
until you find one book. open a secret compartment. Use the newly Pick up the pile of books and the stick from near the entrance on the left. Climb to the right. Now go to the door at the left. walk to the entrance of the sub on the far left of the screen. Use your hatchet on the electrical box to the right - in this puzzle you need to use the switches to direct the current from the bottom of the box to the top along all three wires, missing the broken segments. Press the red buttom. Pick up the distress flare, then click on the hole to the far right.
You have to click on the book to activate the solider open the door, use stool on him. lock. Ryan will transmit to the future. ventilation grill. Then use the metal wheel. Use the needle on the large map, then look in the hiding place and pick up the stone and the report.
and go back to the engine room. Search the guard and use the key on the door to lock it again.