That’s a hell of a straw-grasper you have there; high end from Williams Sonoma? THAT puritan crap. Wait, so is this article the five biggest lies?

When you can’t produce factual information to counter the argument, you reveal yourself as a fraud.

But, only with hopes it would help bring the badly misguided to their senses. But as the EPA turned over further investigation to the Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality, the federal agency noted that the source of these "constituents of concern" had "not been determined," and that the EPA's efforts to figure how the contaminants got into the water wells had been "inconclusive.". Maybe you just need to be more well read, or your rebuttal is the biggest misrepresentation. Why don’t you cough up some evidence that the observed warming was caused by something other than human activity. Even that talking point you regurgitate so dutifully doesn’t say, “thus there has been no warming.” The relevant timescales are of several decades, not a cherry-picked 15 years. I don’t think that moron gets anything when it comes to economics or misleading climate chance hysteria. Most certainly not! Only the heavier, longer chain gasses such as used for propane gas, can even begin to start putting out the kinds of contaminants that are released when coal and oil are burned. It is based on science! Most certainly not! Are not!Are too! Except in one place: in the Barnett Shale. At least older religions have better sets of morality and wrote interesting texts. You want to do things so that you feel good not because they are rational or will do any good. So what is the substance of your comment? But these longer chain gasses are heavier (so they tend to settle out quickly), and they are typically a rather small portion of the output of any gas well. The best tecnology for smartphone here:…..oVEEcsZQ==. One highlight is … Are not!Are too! Impact 50: Investors Seeking Profit — And Pushing For Change, Regulation Lax as Gas Wells’ Tainted Water Hits Rivers, Colorado Oil & Gas Conservation Commission. Then, they hated it. The point that the quality of the well casings cannot be considered as part of fracking is semantically correct, but it is not operationally correct. To fact-check Fox's claims, the Associated Press turned to two Texas researchers, Simon Craddock Lee, a professor of medical anthropology at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas, and David Risser, an epidemiologist with the Texas Cancer Registry. Please let me know when it has be published. I salute you for you effort, but I wouldn’t even bother with these fuckin fuck up retards. Over that time, the scale of fracking for unconventional gas production has grown and, in turn, has generated proportionally more wastewater. We don’t give a voice to Nazis do we? The greens killed millions of people thanks to that stunt. Pennsylvania has thousands of fracked wells that have been dug within the last 5 years. That, and (as the article mentioned) make sure that the wells are drilled and cemented properly in the first place. The president gets it, but a lot of activists don’t. Furthermore, comprehensive economic analyses unquestionably show that the costs of fracking far exceed any short-term benefits. Then again, your capacity for projection never ceases to amaze. Are not!Are too! Falsehood 1: You can light your tap water on fire. What does “when it screws up” and “worse overall” mean?

So have you, shithead.

Oh, and this is not a religion! You see John is smart enough to know that he can’t deny that methane and CO2 are greenhouse gases, so the only response he has left is to tell you to shut up unless you are willing to agree with him. In this case, the Ohio Valley Energy Systems Corporation was fracking an old conventional well whose cement casing was inadequate to block new supplies of highly pressurized natural gas from migrating into nearby water wells. He reminds me of Al Gore’s pseudo-scientific approach, except instead of hockey stick curve power point slides, he has flaming garden hoses. Like most liberal pukes. They feel the answer is “live simply so that others may simply live”. That is what the climate gate emails showed. Charles Oliver and Peter Bagge | From the October 2020 issue. Oil is somewhat better, but not much better. I don’t want to base policy on that assumption either. Four people without any particular importance to the fracking debate have presented what he considers unsupported attacks on the industry. Since I don’t, I don’t care. That is what blows big holes in the environmentalist’s cult theories and pontification like the ‘Gasland’ hoax. When you have nothing, claim everything is nothing and nothing is everything. Fox apparently based his lightly sourced assertion on a single newspaper article. Michael J. Economides, Editor-in-Chief of Energy Tribune, is among “The Color of Oil: The History, the Money and the Politics of the World’s Biggest Business, From Soviet to Putin and Back,” and his latest book, “Energy: China’s Choke Point.” He appears regularly on national TV and radio programs. I really like that. It is nothing but a murderous death cult. “They [the study’s authors] find that during the past decade, of the excess energy trapped by the anthropogenic greenhouse effect that has gone into warming the ocean, 30 percent of it has contributed to warming the deep ocean.”,…..ocean.html, Tony| 7.5.13 @ 2:15PM |# “And realize that 15 year plateau refers only to surface temperatures. “When it screws up” is an unanswerable objection; it’s also meaningless. Come back when you found that missing heat. Our Summers over the last decade and half have become shorter, and shorter, to the point we barely have enough warm days to grow radishes. Shithead is not real bright, shall we say. The ruling was in response to a defamation complaint brought by gas company Range Resources, which has fracking operations in the area. And hydrogen hydroxide aka DHMO is also deadly if you breathe too much of it. Director/producer and Pennsylvania native Josh Fox has been touring the country showcasing the film and urging lawmakers to … So you deny the physical process known as the greenhouse effect? All Rights Reserved, This is a BETA experience. If natural gas is WORSE than coal, we’d see big zones around natural gas fields where people die instantly…, my roomate’s step-aunt makes $60/hour on the laptop. Just think of it this way. We have some idea on the carbon cycle, and how it gets reabsorbed into the biosphere, are there similar mechanisms for methane? keep functioning remarkable job lovely just what i was searching for saved as a favorite, here is a superb weblog i love this website amazing post want more, Really a great addition. At one time in the past when I was directing truck traffic at a terminal, I really did try to avoid running over people. They really do take safety seriously. “Slobbering attack dog commentators”was your insult, not your played out joke about reason. That’s some particularly horrific “environmental” progress. In that promo, at least, he didn’t bring up any other chemicals that Ron talks about in this article. To further serve Gaia, the One True God. Yet the wells in question were conventional gas wells; no fracking was taking place. And I had heard three of the five myths several times before this article. The Exxon-Mobil 3-day seminar on environmental ethics? They can’t prove the current rise was anything unnatural and thus don’t have a case.

The strongest claim that the anti-frac crowd has is on the water use. There’s absolutely no reason to believe the outcome will be any different just because you’re doing it. Lame, debunked talking point about about no warming in 15 years. This is a common occurance in this magazine.

Still pushing Internet porn? petroleum engineer, Economides has done technical and managerial work in more than 70 countries and is a professor at the Cullen College of Engineering, at the University of Houston. It will acreage Longchamp food in China in backward January 2010.Have you anytime wish to attending like a cine brilliant or celebrity antic their fashionable clothes, jewelry, purses and shoes? The president doesn’t get shit. It’s doubtful that he concept of cost/benefit is something that shithead can even conceptualize in metric terms. The FWW letter warns that fracking "contains high levels of neurotoxins and carcinogens and contains compounds that can create smog.". Oh, and this is not a religion! No, emissions from gas wells are not “worse overall”, even when it “screws up”. I frac for a living, and the earthquake claim is one of the few claims they make that has some basis in reality. This appears to be a reference to the 2004 case of Charles and Dorothy Harper and their grandson Baelee, in which natural gas migrated into their basement from some new nearby wells being drilled by the Snyder Brothers production company. auto followers instagram|likes on instagram, good article motivational football quotes How to be a good manager, Exactly, you’re very kind of us about comment!. Mindless blather. Even the EPA and Environmental Defence Fund seem to be taking a balanced approach. The Greens are just slightly above the Nazis and Communists in terms of morality and number of deaths they have caused. WHAT “extra warming” shithead? The environmentalist sought to inflate the dangers of fracking.

The best I can hope for is that I’m wrong about there not being a hell so that the Koch brothers (who’ve dumped something like $60 million into deniar propaganda) will have somewhere to go when they die. Again, that you live and breath the delusion that your side is pure as the driven snow is demonstration only of what a retard you are. So how does the air pollution associated with producing natural gas compare to other industrial processes?

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