Like those for all other applicable grants requirements, the effectiveness of these policies, procedures, and controls is subject to audit. If they agree to placement in one of our rural facilities, the remaining $20K would be forgiven over the two-year work commitment. Your contribution supports independent journalism. Benton, J. These cuts are urgently needed. “Services such as PBS and NPR, which receive funding from CPB, could make up the shortfall by increasing revenues from corporate sponsors, foundations, and members. 2019. A Knight-Gallup survey last year found that, of 17 news organizations, PBS and NPR ranked No. The recipient institution is responsible for monitoring the success of each NP resident. Retrieved September 30, 2020, from But take a look at how that “trust a great deal” number has moved, before and after Trump started running for office: 2013: 46% So every time Trump slices CPB out of a budget, he raises the political salience of public broadcasting as an issue. In 2015, 54 percent of Republicans and 70 percent of Democrats thought higher education was a positive influence. Total project or program costs include costs charged to the award and costs borne by the recipient to supplement the cost of the project as applicable.

Despite public broadcast’s apparent bias against conservatives, a Republican-controlled Congress has funded CPB in 2017 and 2018. The determination to include the above information in the employment contract is at the discretion of the recipient organization. But it’s also because public broadcasting is actually pretty popular and pretty trusted by Americans.

It encourages people to think of PBS and NPR as “Republicans” and “Democrats,” not “single mom who likes letting her kid watch PBS Kids,” or “parent who likes PBS education programming,” or “suburban dad who’s a little too into Wait, Wait…Don’t Tell Me!,” or “commuter who finds Morning Edition the only tolerable thing on the dial.” Public media has always, to varying degrees, been a partisan issue, dating back to the days Richard Nixon tried to kill it. This information must be clearly documented, to include the period of time covered by the accreditation or recognition document. 11). 46-7). 2014: 42%

All HRSA awards are subject to the Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles and Audit Requirements at 45 CFR part 75. Just about every member of Congress has a public radio or TV station in his or her district; any transition from rhetoric to reality would be felt back home. (p. 8), and DUNS number. Nieman Journalism Lab. “Donald Trump Reups Effort to Eliminate PBS, NPR Federal Funding,” by Joshua Caplan, Breitbart, March 18, 2019: President Donald Trump’s proposed federal budget for 2020 aims to cut all funding for PBS and NPR, along with the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA). If a portion of the ANE-NPR Program training needs to be repeated, scheduling this activity to occur immediately following the conclusion of the award recipient cohort’s ANE-NPR Program is strongly encouraged and guidelines on this process should be incorporated into the standard operating procedures. (Philip Converse called this knowing “what goes with what.”), For example, it used to be that both conservatives and liberals thought that colleges and universities have a generally positive effect on society. 2015: 48% You are expected to train no less than four NP residents each year of the project. Framing public media as a partisan issue encourages people to think of it through a political lens instead of as users and consumers. Nieman Journalism Lab. The “blueprint” that came out today doesn’t include line-by-line funding requests for federal agencies; Bloomberg says that’s “expected later this month.” But when they do arrive, it’s expected that Trump will, for the third time, propose eliminating all federal funding for public broadcasting — zeroing out the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, the entity which then distributes those funds to support public radio and television stations. As of November 2019, the board of directors of NPR included the following members: NPR member station managers.
(p. 9), Funds under this announcement may not be used for purposes specified in HRSA’s SF-424 R&R Application Guide or other certain purposes, including but not limited those which are outlined in the funding opportunity announcement. Community-based entities applying under this NOFO must provide documentation of accreditation by a national, regional, or state accrediting agency or body, such as the Joint Commission on Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care, Inc., or provide documentation of certification/licensure by federal/state/local government supported agency. A 2014 Pew study found that, among 36 national news organizations, NPR and PBS finished No. A new group of broadcast competitors and its likely new set of bosses see it differently. Because never has the free world needed independent journalism more. HRSA does not support those requirements and are not required by the ANE-NPR program. Everyone who reads our reporting knows the Geller Report covers the news the media won't. Since they would have already completed their service obligations, they would have first-hand experience working with rural or underserved populations—thus a benefit to the site and to the community being served. . 3 and No. Indirect Cost Rate Agreement and proof of non-profit status (if applicable) do not count in the page limit. NPR, PBS, and the NEA: these are all propaganda arms for the far-left.

individuals on temporary or student visas are not eligible to receive ANE-NPR Program support); and. 5 and No. Imagine how loud the outcry would be if there were a federally-funded organization that was pro-Trump. The institution should have a plan in place and ensure that NP residents joining the program are aware of the requirements that are expected of them. (p. 5), The Total Project or Program Costs are the total allowable costs (inclusive of direct and indirect costs) incurred by the recipient to carry out a HRSA-supported project or activity. But I do worry about the long-term impact of this annual dance. If applicants are applying for the ANE-NPR funding preference, they must meet the criteria for the funding preference outlined in the NOFO. There are a few reasons. 2019: 29%. In order to determine their eligibility for helping to meet the public health nursing needs in State or local Health Department preference, applicants must complete ANE Table 1, referring to program’s academic partner’s past performance in this area (pg. The Trump administration released the first part of its proposed federal budget this morning, the third of the president’s term. Beginning in January 2017, the mean usage of ‘they hate’ on the network doubled.”.

"Trump wants to kill federal funding for PBS and NPR (again); it won’t happen, but it’s still damaging." They will have to earn the salary so there would not be any funds due back to the ANE-NPR grant project, because they would have already earned the money they are receiving.
Subsidies or paid release time for project faculty; Payment of temporary personnel replacement costs for the time faculty/ preceptors/participants are away from usual worksite during involvement in project activities; Accreditation, including accreditation related costs/fees, credentialing, licensing, continuing education (costs for preparation and awarding continuing education hours), and franchise fees and expenses; preadmission costs, promotional items and memorabilia; and animal laboratories; Incentive payments are not allowed for program participants, including but not limited to purchasing gift cards or gas cards; There may be only one Master’s or doctorally prepared Registered Nurse Project Director for the ANE-NPR project; and. Please take a moment to consider this. Remember that PBS-sponsored survey that found public TV was America’s most-trusted institution for the 16th year running? Why should American citizens have to pay for globalist, anti-American, socialist propaganda? Leia em português. Have a tip we should know? That’s trust — what about bias? It wasn’t a particularly partisan or ideological issue. Track 1 - Development and Start-Up applicants. Please see Section 4.1 of HRSA’s SF-424 R&R Application Guide for additional information.

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