This site has been incredibly eye opening… In a cutting them painfully open kinda way. My narc also has an entire cult like family of other narcs… its a cult dynamic of superficial ..image…divide and conquer that’s completely in control of each other and closed off from the reality of the world… I don’t know my purpose other than being the target for blame and the scapegoat for my boyfriend and excuse for his family to blame his entire life of failure as a result of the very toxic enmeshments. During my third semester, he lost another job, and we moved out of state. And I just feel alone and unable to explain the empty hurt I feel. I’ll even send you the email I sent him because I save them all. It is the compass in finding the path to truth. If you still continue the silent treatment, the narcissist may finally abandon you and move on with new narcissistic supply and new victims. She lives nearby, and has disability. He actually said I was a home wrecker for trying to come between his mother and himself who have a special bond. I would have been a very loving, kind and happy partner, but with a narcissistic partner it beccomes the strings sadly that allows him full control.
The narcissist in this stage generally acts as if he doesn’t care (whether you talk or not) and may try to convey this via social media posts or through direct messages. If nothing else, we have one another to turn to for support. And you would be correct, if he had not been a $76K per year, mid-level manager, in his last job. Thank you for your post. The problem?

The laws were not in my favor, I could not take my children with me to Minnesota – a long way from Florida.

Don’t run to another man/woman to love you, thats not love but need/necessity, which comes from emptiness, its not healthy for you or the other.

Think of inner love as your armour against toxic and negative people. Silent Treatment: an act of completely ignoring a person or thing by resort to silence, especially as a means of expressing contempt or disapproval. which actually makes him smile and feel good about his mothers extreme jealousy and tactics such as stalking him. The silent treatment is especially used by narcissists in a relationship as a means of gaining control. It causes women to develop a progressive feeling of isolation, of being left emotionally dry and bereft precisely in the most intimate of relationship.’. Owned by @divyankakrsna But you simply aren’t going to get it from a P/N/S. Even when I know I shouldn’t feel that way and that I AM better than this. And this is the treatment that hurts the most… I call it silencing of the lambs… meaning even IF you are right… its healthy or positive … it doesn’t matter… you must obey the tyranny or at least fake a smile and pretend for the sake of the pathological lie called his life… or you will be punished and have all food …time…affections and fake love withheld.

Its better than staying fully married at least. While narcissist acts and responds mostly due to his hurt ego, on the other side he/she go on expecting that you would soon return back. In fact, this is the stage when you can see the actual cruelness and lack of empathy of the narcissist clearly.

Things/he will not get any better. I sat on the fence, for a long time, while I was sifting through the research.

Your email address will not be sold or shared with anyone else. Please pray for my daughter, and I will keep you in my prayers as well. As it turns out, I was wrong. And the more it bothers you, the longer he carries it on. I’m done.

Their love is immature, self-centered and needy. After 18 years, a good day is getting a shower and making the bed. Okay, so how do you deal with this behavior without completely losing your mind? Get over your fears and get on with your life!

I called them out and I got rather nasty.

Even though it broke me for a while, It hasn’t changed my kind, deeply caring or beautiful nature, I am fully healed now, so there is hope, never give up hope of inner happiness x. I’ve spent the past 5 years NOT in a relationship, healing, growing and taking care of me!

Unfortunately jokes like that are NOT funny. I empathize with you so so much. To do so, to engage in any way, only prolongs the abuse and the harm sustained. Looked at his father and said “I have never seen such a disgusting display of favoritism in my life ! ), I’m going through the silent… Read more ». So he came back when I could walk again around August and we were together for another month but he got his settlement for his workman’s comp in October and I haven’t heard another word from him.

I understand staying with/for the children. This “air of superiority” might be okay, if they are British royals, groomed to think that way. Is the narcissist suggesting that you are narcissistic because of your decision to go No Contact?

If this happens with friends and family.

In response to your other q, I don’t have a youtube channel.

Arrange or Love? If your love was real then honor and embrace that. I pay for everything, no child support, because he made less money than I did and quit his job when things went south in hopes of getting alimony from me.

Here are the 5 Reasons.

, he did not speak to me for ONE MONTH! All these plans made in court.

Remember, there is no cure for narcissistic personality disorder.

Im 65 years old and have a daughter with a physical disability.

NO one deserves to be treated this way. In other words, whenever the narcissist feels the decrease in their narcissist supply, he/she uses the big weapon of silent treatment on targets. I guess my question to anyone with advice is this, I know of activity that could get her fired. Thank you Narcissist Wife. As you can see when you visit the freebies page at, Atkinson's online daily magazine, she's all about paying it forward. AS well as I am! Stay strong.

However long it takes for you to learn your lesson and amp up provision of supply. You don’t need to justify yourself to the narcissist. Luckily for me he found a new “supply” and he abandoned our relationship. I went to a community college in order to make myself more appealing to prospective employers. Someone who will co-exist with you in the same house while literally ignoring you? 4 Main Reasons Why Your Kitchen Must Have a Panini Maker, 6 Best Ways to Study to Achieve More Marks. I knew what I was getting in to, and have been waiting and watching his behavior slowly resume his old standard, minus the yelling.

For the simple reason that notwithstanding the abuse, for many, this means walking away from someone you love. He was, and is, as bright as the morning Sun, but he graduated from a remedial high school. The lower narc will discard and move on. However, we often do and for quite a long time. This is especially true the longer it goes on. Seriously, the whole shebang. Or, as you are compared to the narcissist. The silent treatment occurs during the devaluation phase of the abuse cycle to punish you and to fortify trauma bonds (see Why is it so hard to leave and abusive relationship with a narcissist? It seems my daughter just hated my narc.

I’ve been divorced five years from a narc after 20 years of marriage. So many of us make the mistake of taking care of our man and catering to his needs without much concern for our own welfare. But mostly to trust in God, only through God am I alive today. They know who they can count on, it’s not him. While in a nicer restaurant in the resort we were staying, the waitress came and asked if we would like drinks. It is his hope that in enacting this silent narcissistic rage against you, he will force you into submission and into being the good little narcissistic supply he needs. It is necessary to come to a mutual solution as to how they can handle their problems. I actually lost about forty pounds, during that time period, if you include the weight of the pregnancy which is about twenty-five pounds, all totaled. All with the motive to grab your attention at any cost. He won’t answer my calls, emails, nothing! I hope I can help someone, anyone, even one person. Make No Mistake: The Silent Treatment IS Abuse The fact is that the silent treatment is painful and it makes you miserable.

It was/is our compliance they seek, for purposes of control and to ramp up their feelings of omnipotence. The work I had previously done, ended up being a waste of time and effort, since there was never enough money again, for me to go back to school.

I loved him, and tried to believe him when he said it was his employers who were to blame for his job losses. Their “logic” goes like this: The silent treatment is a form of emotional abuse used by narcissists. I always thought if I was loving/accepting enough, others could not help but reciprocate. Six months I was discarded.

I can totally understand all that you’re going through. , Dear Queen J, I’m so glad it was helpful. In my opinion, they are far from it. Please let me just say I just turned 50 been with my narcissist since 1987! Perhaps he loved the fantasy of what life with you might bring. With a narcissist, it is better to give back what they give you by keeping yourself busy. Definitely Spend time not in a relationship, it increases your self-esteem, confidence and resillence x, Thank you for reading my story! Although she never gave his condition a name, I remember shuddering when I asked what she would do. As much as the first coffee maker thought it was loved, in the end there isn’t a funeral or desperate measures of going without coffee. We count the days until she is 18.

Narcissists are vampires and they will suck you dry. Silent treatment in a romantic relationship is the most common. He says he screams and yells because that’s the only way he can get through to me. Watch up. Maggie x. Hi Maggie, do you have a youtube channel?

#notyourwoobie (think Mr mom and the blanket). It might sometimes be because the worker is not being noticed so he/she can make extra efforts to initiate teamwork or conversation.
Do not let the silence play to your fear of abandonment. I did not consciously know I was trying to get away from him, when I put myself in school, but now believe he might have suspected that’s what I was doing, when I was not aware of it, myself.

I had the moment of clarity that most of you wonderful souls mention, and spent months getting my ducks in a row to leave. If backfired and my daughter and I started talking again.

When it’s stops doing that you take the thing apart and change out a few parts, resorting in exhasperation to banging on it to make it work. Especially if the partner in a romantic relationship is a narcissist, then the other person might have a tough time handling the relationship. Related: The Silent Treatment: A Narcissist’s Trick of the Trade of Emotional Abuse. Initiate conversation and try to tell the partner that it hurts you and you would like to talk about it and resolve the issue. I am now a victim on paper as he stands on charges of strangulation… property destruction … harassment … reckless endangerment… 2 felonies…2 misdemeanors… for getting jealous and snapping in a psychotic rage over my phone going off and saying “ITS NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS” when asked who was calling….

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