COX: Two times two is four. You are presenting yourself in a way that will look attractive.
Vice President Mike Pence: (00:39)
Thank you very much. Which brings us back to Callie. He treated us both as people who are going to decide about what to eat and where to go. I mean, the people are actually in the process of constructing this image to themselves.
ROSIN: And then, all of a sudden, the hand seemed to get angry. GOFF: In some senses, when there are signs on the water fountains and when even children don't get the benefit of their humanity, it's really clear where the enemy is. What is it, you know? Yet, as we gather this afternoon, a radical movement is attempting to demolish this treasured and precious inheritance. SPIEGEL: But the Justice Department was the Justice Department, so Ray went. I would hope that she wouldn't be disappointed in me. That’s why on this Constitution Day, our President will reaffirm our commitment to the principles and liberties that this administration has championed from day one, and take measurable steps to ensure that future generations will continue to understand the historical and philosophical roots of our nation.
SPIEGEL: Now, Ron says that he knows that the U.K. isn't a paradise free of racism. President Donald Trump: (17:30)
And then one day, Ron was sitting in his office.
And what can you do if you don't want one particular idea in your culture to affect you? ROSIN: Karen, of course, was completely shocked and so was her surgeon.
God, this is going to be amazing in use to study prejudice, potentially revolutionary.
DOVIDIO: People who said they were racist behaved in a pretty racist way. It won't stop. President Donald Trump: (17:26) WILL COX: It is a habit. In some part of Frank, there was that thing that they'd been talking about on the news, implicit bias. DEVINE: I started to put - place my fingers on the keyboard just as an alternative response, just so I could have a reminder of where my fingers should be rather than approaching my face. It's about the concepts we absorb from our culture, how they affect us and the people around us. DOVIDIO: Now I can make myself more like what I want to be than I could before. Today, I’m also pleased to announce that I was soon sign an executive order establishing a national commission to promote patriotic education.
Stream the Invisibilia episode, White v. The narratives about America being pushed by the far left and being chanted in the streets bear a striking resemblance to the anti-American propaganda of our adversaries, because both groups want to see America weakened, derided, and totally diminished.
Nothing. GREENWALD: The idea of impression management is that what you're doing when you respond to these things is image management. SPIEGEL: Most of us believe ourselves to be better than we are. NPR transcripts are created on a rush deadline by Verb8tm, Inc., an NPR contractor, and produced using a proprietary transcription process developed with NPR.
GREENWALD: Chip (ph), freedom. I lean back. This is Jack Dovidio, a psychologist at Yale University who did this really interesting study which proved that questions couldn't actually capture how people thought or behaved when it came to race.
SPIEGEL: Am I not supposed to shake my co-host?
It's often difficult to even see these biased concepts in ourselves in the first place. SPIEGEL: So given all of this, what can you do to change a concept? SPIEGEL: See, the way that we learn anything, according to Will, is by repeatedly associating one thing, one concept with another thing, another concept. Our show runner is Liana Simonds. COX: And that's what learning is. President Donald Trump: (19:53) I would hope that she wouldn't feel like I let her down. If you're listening in Apple Podcasts, could you please take a moment and leave us a review? SOMERVILLE: Color didn't matter. BYRNE: Not to smoke and not to curse and being nicer to others. Accuracy and availability may vary.
SPIEGEL: Frank Somerville first encountered his other self on the corner of 25th and Broadway in downtown Oakland. John Adams, our first Vice-President, aptly described our Constitution in his words as, “The single greatest effort of national deliberation that the world has ever seen.” And so it was. It was hiding inside him. SOMERVILLE: You know, I think he had a cap pulled down on his head and just dressed kind of like street-ish. I'm Hanna Rosin. President Donald Trump: (11:33) And a couple months ago he and I climbed into his massive police SUV and drove to the place where Michael Brown was shot dead by Officer Darren Wilson. White v. White? I understand you want me to quit, but cut the crap (laughter). Like the strategy they call stereotype replacement, which Devine says can be explained with a pretty simple mnemonic. Tony Greenwald, a discerning 52-year-old psychologist whose happy marriage had survived 27 Valentine's Days, was absolutely certain this was true. 01:02:31 ITUNES RSS LINK.
INVISIBILIA is produced by Meghan Keane, Yowei Shaw and Abby Wendle. But we gather here today, soon to hear from the President of the United States, as Americans who are committed to affirming the greatness of this nation and the ideals of our founders. GREENWALD: That is what we social psychologists called race bias. And Ted Rebarber. BUFORD: After that, I started noticing it just wasn't happening there anywhere. Now, this is not science, just how Karen sees it. DOVIDIO: In our research, it's the non-verbal cues by far. It’s the news, without the news.
SPIEGEL: He says it's really important to make his fellow officers feel emotionally safe. That was the first time I recall hearing it.
All of the white kids were bused to this black school across town. SPIEGEL: About seven years ago, Will and the professor that he works with at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, this famous researcher named Patricia Devine who actually came up with the idea of thinking of prejudice as a habit, created the intervention that you hear running under my voice. One thing people say about Planet Money is how much they love listening to it even though they don't care about business or economics. UNIDENTIFIED MAN #1: I don't know if you talk with your hands or anything, but... ROSIN: Recently, Alix and I called up a woman named Karen Byrne. SPIEGEL: What happens in your brain is that the neurons that house the concept two activate and connect with the neurons in your brain that house the other concepts in that sentence - times and four. Here's Tony Greenwald again.
BUFORD: I understand from my friends who are from the Caribbean who live there that they do encounter it in some ways. ERICK THE ARCHITECT: (Singing) This stubbornness in our nation - blinded by own possession.
RICE: Being a black person, I was like, I couldn't have implicit bias towards black people. And in the third grade, his school was integrated. It felt a lot like that for me.
But I am not saying that subjects were actually deliberately deceiving and lying when they were doing this but rather that what the research subjects were doing was thinking, well, who am I? And I looked across the street. For my people... SPIEGEL: INVISIBILIA is hosted by me, Alix Spiegel... SPIEGEL: Our senior editor is Anne Gudenkauf. SPIEGEL: Charting a path to the large heavy lift, that's where the conversation turned once the news about implicit bias and how it might affect things in the real world started filtering into the press.
This document alleged that concepts such as hard work, rational thinking, and the nuclear family, and belief in God were not values that unite all Americans, but we’re instead aspects of whiteness. How are you doing?
SPIEGEL: ...Or that the material of gold is more valuable than the material of silver, or that women are less aggressive than men. I’m truly honored to be here at the very first White House Conference on American History.
Today is Constitution Day, a day in which we celebrate the work of genius that’s preserved in these very halls.
Whenever Karen did something it didn't like... BYRNE: It smacked me right across my face. SPIEGEL: Which was precisely what Tony found when he sat down at the computer and used his new test on himself.
I go through life with blinders.
SOMERVILLE: And I realized, oh, my God, he's just a dad. But as a scientist, he was thrilled.
GREENWALD: This works so much more strongly than I expected. And that's where Alix picks up the story.
Now, doctor-patient interactions are important. President Donald Trump: (20:04) SPIEGEL: Callie is a tiny, beautiful girl with a huge smile full of spark. RICE: Within that six or seven-mile stretch there were, like, six different police departments.
Most of these concepts just float around in our heads, shaping our actions, what we buy and who we affiliate with and what we do with our time without attracting much attention or getting in the way of who we want to be. So important. Thank you.
- we got a lot of work to do. It's a human part of you.
SPIEGEL: And at first, Karen couldn't make sense of what that half was about, why it was getting so angry.
And there was this white woman sitting at a bus stop, just maybe a middle-aged white woman.
It was we just wanted a child. Two months ago, the left wing cultural revolution is designed to overthrow the American revolution.