If the island once existed and indeed is now gone, there are many theories to explain its disappearance, from rising sea levels due to global warming, to destruction by hurricanes or other natural forces, to Senator Conchello’s theories about CIA obliteration of a tiny piece of very valuable Mexican territory.
But we are perplexed at the idea that existed yesterday on a map a geographical object can suddenly disappear. Moreover, the question of loss of island of Bermeja engaged in the national University of Mexico. In September of 1997, the Secretary of the Navy of the Mexican government sent an oceanographic vessel to try to locate the island, covering over 300 square nautical miles in the general area of where Isla Bermeja had appeared on various maps. Required fields are marked *. The island of Haboro melted and melted until it was just a small pile of stones. The expedition’s mission was simple: “To clear up doubts and make known the whereabouts of the Bermeja Island.” The Rio Tuxpan traveled 1,500 kilometers and did not just inspect the island’s assumed coordinates but also explored much of the surrounding waters. When you login first time using a Social Login button, we collect your account public profile information shared by Social Login provider, based on your privacy settings. While holding many offices and posts in his long and distinguished political career, Senator Conchello was perhaps best known for what otherwise would have amounted to a footnote to history: He was a tireless defender of the existence of Isla Bermeja, a small island about 100 kilometers off the coast of the Yucatán which had appeared on maps off and on across the centuries and in recent times had not been confirmed as real. The island disappeared, likely because it … The other person in the car was killed instantly. Until it disappeared, Isla Bermeja, which supposedly measured 80 square kilometers (31 mi2), had been the point from which Mexico’s 200 nautical-mile limit started. A few years after the publication of this map, official cartographers of the Spanish Crown, Miguel de Alderete and Andrés Valderrama, sought to prove the existence of islands rumored to be north of the Yucatán and hundreds of miles into the Gulf. However, eight years ago from the island leaving only a pathetic rock -almost all of it went under water. Some American and English maps of the 1800s not only showed the existence of Isla Bermeja and the similarly on-again, off-again Negrillos chain, they showed them as being territory of the United States, with a small “U.S” in parentheses under the name of the islands on maps. Although this trip was made in more precarious conditions than the previous two, from the point of view of the technical equipment available on board, the conclusions were similar. One century, it's sitting pretty at 22°33' N, 91°22 E in the Gulf of Mexico; the next, it's vanished, confounding maritime investigations and aerial surveys alike. Sochi in Russia was struck by a powerful storm. In mid-August, he had already risen above sea level by 65 meters and had a circumference of more than 3 kilometers. The small archipelago called in the old maps Negrillos Islands, or the Reef of Negrillo, does not exist, nor do the other keys or reefs such as the so-called Arias Bank.”. Bermeja, a tiny uninhabited island to the northwest of the Yucatán Peninsula, seems to have done just that. And the Mexican people want to … They began to argue who rightfully owns this land. A similar story happened with sandy island in the coral sea between New Caledonia and Australia. Meanwhile, this is not uncommon.
very noticeable,” he said. Yes, there is.
When we arrived at the location of Bermeja even though the visibility was clear and the sea calm, we didn’t discover anything, not a spot, nor a mark, nor variance in color, nothing.”. The island was first mentioned by Alonso de Santa Cruz in El Yucatán e Islas Adyacentes, a list of islands of the region published in Madrid in 1539. Over the centuries, like Isla Bermeja, the series of about 6 small coral islets and rocks known as Negrillos will appear and disappear, and to this day the existence of this small chain of islands is also in dispute. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The ship Kalin Haa set sail on June 5, 2009, with several researchers on board, among them the historian and cartographer, a specialist in cartography of the Yucatan Peninsula, Michel Antochiw Kolpa. Was it once real and now gone? Its disappearance could have been explained by geological forces causing it to sink. Bermeja neither disappeared nor lost. After less than a month after a powerful earthquake off the coast of Sicily, in July of 1831 the Western Cape “smoke and fire” a tiny piece of land, which began to grow by leaps and bounds. Maybe the US bombed it, or it could have been a victim of global warming or an earthquake. Please consider donating a dollar for our upkeep and whitelisting scarycarries.com on your ad blockers. On March 20, 2009, the oceanographic vessel Justo Sierra of the National Autonomous University of Mexico, or UNAM, sailed from the port of Tuxpan, Veracruz, to conduct an on-site study. Until recently the island Bermeja was in the Gulf of Mexico, 200 kilometres off the Northwest coast of the Yucatan Peninsula and 150 km from the Atoll Scorpio. Perhaps the island had sunk or submerged, he said. But few mythical islands islands have been as enduring as Bermeja, which cartographers have been placing on maps off the coast of the Yucatan since Alonso de Santa Cruz first mentioned it in 1539.
No rock remains, no ruined stones, nothing at all. Moreover, the question of loss of island of Bermeja engaged in the national University of Mexico. On page 110 the book places the island at 22º 33’ North latitude, and 91º 22′ West. Thank you so much! Whether any American ever visited Bermeja or Negrillos and made territorial claims is not known. Alas! As a consequence, Isla Bermeja was also known as a hiding place for English and Dutch buccaneers who would attack Spanish treasure ships and disrupt commerce in the area. Currently, the Alacranes islands have determined the end of the country’s territorial limits. The island was just what the country needed to extend its claim on offshore oil and stop the United States’ encroachment on Mexico’s interests in that department. In honor of his Admiral, the British named the island Graham land. In addition to the sea expeditions, there have been attempts to locate the island by air and satellite. For mapping of the Gulf began to use the cards where Bermeja was depicted. On maps dating as far back as the 1700s, Isla Bermeja was shown off the Yucatan Peninsula’s coast, at a greater distance than any other island claimed by Mexico. http://mexicounexplained.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/Bermeja.mp3, María Sabina & the Psychedelic Revolution. The same thing, as you know, talking about the island of sandy. The researcher Ciriaco Ceballos, conducting cartographic surveys, have not found Bermei or Not-Grillo. And these days due to the gradual sea-level rise, the fate of this volcanic island repeat quite stable before, and even the once populated – for example, five of the Solomon Islands Rapita, Cala, Reana, Sales, Ka-Katina and another six are in line for extinction. In 2009 there were 3 formal expeditions to find the island. Alas! Derrotero de las islas Antillas: de las costas de Tierra Firme. Its exact geographical coordinates are: 22 degrees 33 minutes North latitude and 91 degrees 22 minutes West longitude. By claiming it, Mexico would extend its oil claims into the middle of the Gulf. Or even could exist only in the imagination of those who watched. However, besides the obvious explanation there is a whole conspiracy. Madrid: Imprenta Nacional, 1820. Antochiw stated, “La Bermeja is not the only ‘disappeared’ island. Indeed, others have noted the existence of ley lines crossing the path of the island or mysterious vortexes nearby that may cause the island to pop in and out of existence. He was depicted in almost all ancient maps, and it was believed that it was first noticed and described by the famous captain James cook in 1774. And made this tiny marine crustaceans-isopods, which lay their eggs in cracks of rocks and year after year, tirelessly destroying the stone, which are composed of Islands. And supposedly the Americans took the island, which should not exist is very simple: they blew it up. In 2009 the island was sent another research ship. There was just one problem: A 2009 National Autonomous University of Mexico study concluded the island doesn’t exist—at least not where it’s supposed to be. This is a decent article. The fact that it did not exist a couple of decades ago, it became clear pretty quickly. Quite in accord with ancient maps of the Mexican cartographers placed the Bermeja at the address and in the XX century. The last government-printed schoolbook showing Isla Bermeja was released in 1946. Bermeja, of course, not the only island that suddenly went gone. It is not surprising that the sailors tried to keep the deep waters and in no hurry to explore the island. It is the report of Alonso de Santa Cruz Madrid court from 1539 under the name “Yucatan and the adjacent Islands”. So interesting, with far more details than any other source I’ve found on the subject. The third expedition was financed by Televisión Azteca. Keep writing.cheap custom essays. However, in 1997 there was an incident. A few decades later, in another journey from Veracruz to Havana, the captains of the ships San Julian and the Buen Consejo, two men named Juan Moreno and Manuel Sandoval, respectively, reported the sighting of a large rock jutting out of the water east of where the maps put Isla Bermeja. I’m glad you found it helpful. Instead of the island below the boat lay the deep sea with a depth of 1400 meters! From Alderete’s diary of July of 1775, he writes: “We sailed for Havana trying to locate Bermeja and other islands. A Mexican senator at the time, Luis Coppola Joffroy, made statements to the media about the Foreign Affairs Ministry’s presentation to Congress. “No encuentran la Isla Bermeja.” La Jornada, 24 Jun 2009. In 1908, with precise geographic coordinates, he was in report of the British Admiralty. The island was just what the country needed to extend its claim on offshore oil and stop the United States’ encroachment on Mexico’s interests in that department. One notable attempt to locate the island by air was made by the Mexican television network Televisa which created a show about Isla Bermeja that considered the island to be a mystery along the lines of The Bermuda Triangle.
It was only during the Clinton Administration in the United States during the 1990s when Mexican national attention focused once again on Isla Bermeja on the insistence of Senator Conchello. The photographs of half a century ago can be considered two rocky peaks, one of which is covered with vegetation. At the end of the XVIII century, this thought came cartographer of New Spain to the North of the island Arena not depicted nothing more.