- Online dictionaries, vocabulary, conjugation, grammar. Lo honesto sería decir que el acercamiento entre Turquía y la Unión Europea sólo puede tener lugar dando pasos pequeños pero seguros.
Did you know? These sentences come from external sources and may not be accurate. That is why Europe needs to speak to the USA in a. Unos 500 diputados y yo mismo esperamos una cooperación segura, positiva y justa. There is nothing more secure than a whisky bond for the reason that it is guarded by the police because of the tax value of the whisky in the bond.
These sentences come from external sources and may not be accurate. Madam President, I voted in favour of the directive on life.
An adverb is a word that describes a verb, an adjective, or other adverbs (e.g. Learning Spanish? ¿Están ustedes totalmente seguros de que este método es el que ofrece una mayor seguridad? Seguro que superaremos estas dificultades. Translation for 'segura' in the free Spanish-English dictionary and many other English translations. Ahora soy una persona más segura que lo que era de más joven. Help keep your kids safer online with WindowsLive Family, You can get one from your home-country healthcare provider or social, Por tanto, estamos considerando la posibilidad de diversificar nuestras fuentes de suministro, Therefore, we are thinking about diversifying our, Necesitamos que nuestro abastecimiento de alimentos sea, No hay un modo efectivo de asegurar el uso, Is he confident now that these substances are actually, Esto determinará un suministro de energía más, Por último, nuestro Grupo cree en las oportunidades de un mundo más, To conclude, our group believes in the possibility of a, Reforzar la eficacia del TNP hará que el mundo sea un lugar más, Strengthening the effectiveness of the NPT will make the world.
Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content. More translations in the English-Swedish dictionary. e. pissed.
I am sure that the lovely farm owned by Mr Daul is covered by a fire, Durante ese período no tiene por qué rematricular el vehículo ni concertar una nueva póliza de, During this period, he ought neither to have to register a new address for his vehicle nor to have to effect a new, European skies are comparatively safe, and we want to see that. Those workers would not work in that plant if they thought it was unsafe. d. wasted . 1 → pedo. √ Over 1,500,000 translations. Around 500 Members and myself look forward to a, In that case we would certainly drop our objections, quite. El Tratado de Lisboa muestra ahora una Europa preparada, confiada y segura de sí misma. Or learning new words is more your thing? This text was drawn up based on the solid foundation of the ordinary and. Langues Séquence d’anglais à distance « Winnie the witch » par Marie. Estas son algunas dificultades del inglés.
Translation for 'peda' in the free Spanish-English dictionary and many other English translations. querencia / kɛˈrɛnθɪə / noun.
What is the Spanish term for station? Los primeros dos reactores están funcionando ya de forma. Old ships are to be taken out of service, and must be safely disposed of. The honest thing is to say that rapprochement between Turkey and the European Union can only come about in small. Hasta la fecha no hay respuestas seguras al problema del control de las centrales nucleares en las Repúblicas del Este. segundo procesamiento por el mismo delito. The fuel can be safely used for the purposes for which it was manufactured. feminine noun. Ayude a que sus hijos estén más seguros con WindowsLive Protección infantil.
I am persuaded that the women in Turkey will also be indebted to you. Ciertamente, los conscientes de Dios estarán en [un paraíso de] jardines y arroyos, en una morada segura. In the list of available wireless networks, each unsecured network is labeled. is not responsible for their content. Meaning and examples for 'segura' in Spanish-English dictionary. If we are among the best, our competitiveness will, however, be assured. Señora Presidenta, he votado a favor de la directiva sobre los seguros de vida. In this proposal it amounts to only half of the amount proposed by the Commission. adverb. How to pronounce "LL" and "Y" in Spanish. I'm a more confident person now than when I was younger. Word of the day. Useful phrases translated from English into 28 languages. Everything you need to know about life in a foreign country. Achieving these goals will also result in a, If we cut corners with cohesion policy we will, Europe is no match for the Chinese, and slowly but, - Online dictionaries, vocabulary, conjugation, grammar. Why not have a go at them together. Si estamos entre los mejores, nuestra competitividad, sin embargo, puede estar. Meaning and examples for 'pega' in Spanish-English dictionary. En la lista de redes inalámbricas disponibles, cada red no. √ Fast and Easy to use. Useful phrases translated from English into 28 languages. They are the catalyst for stability, reconciliation and normalising political relations. (!) Or learning new words is more your thing? Help yourself remember your strong password by following these tips: Creo que la excelente Comisaria Reding está. Copyright © IDM 2020, unless otherwise noted. Fancy a game? Find out how to connect securely using HTTPS to keep the hackers out. All our dictionaries are bidirectional, meaning that you can look up words in both languages at the same time.
I am uncertain, however, as to whether everyone understands its significance.
Usted es un orador muy bueno, señor Sarkozy, pero no estoy tan, You are a very good orator, Mr Sarkozy, but I am not so, Señor Presidente, una sociedad totalmente.
I think this summit will be judged a resounding success at many levels. All our dictionaries are bidirectional, meaning that you can look up words in both languages at the same time. √ 100% FREE.
In the English-French dictionary you will find more translations.
Everything you need to know about life in a foreign country. The Dutch nationals in our midst will know very well what I mean by this. Esos trabajadores no trabajarían en esa planta si pensaran que no es. He wasn't wasted until he downed his seventh vodka. As I said, the Commission stands ready to approve and sign the framework agreement. How to use Spanish relative pronouns and adjectives? Translation of peda in English: peda. All rights reserved. (colloquial) No estaba pedo hasta que tragó su séptimo vodka. Here Are Some Of The Hardest Parts Of The Language. Did you know? Si tenemos en cuenta todo esto y negociamos con China seguros de nosotros mismos, también debemos manifestar abiertamente la crítica. We will overcome these troubles for sure. Mire usted, aquí hay además un riesgo muy grande, y yo, desde luego, no lo voy a correr, puede estar completamente segura. Increasing the funding does not, by any means, put a burden on existing programmes.
Test Your Spanish. All rights reserved. to run quickly, very tired). Puede aplicar las siguientes recomendaciones para recordar una contraseña.
√ Fast and Easy to use. I am really not entirely reassured that that has been properly organised. If someone is on a list for the wrong reasons, how can he be taken off the list? Spanish past tense - Preterite vs Imperfect, Common ways to ask What's your name in Spanish, Spanish conditional tense - Forms and usage. 6. These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Es cierto que necesitamos energía, pero precisamos una energía limpia y, It is true that we need energy, but we need clean energy and, Alcanzar esos objetivos también tendrá como resultado una sociedad, Achieving these goals will also result in a, Lo esencial para crecer en un medio seguro es, a menudo, educarse en una familia, [En cambio --] ciertamente, los conscientes de Dios se hallarán en una situación, Hacer ahorros con la política de cohesión es una vía, If we cut corners with cohesion policy we will, Europa no se puede enfrentar a China y estamos siendo expulsados de África de forma lenta pero, Europe is no match for the Chinese, and slowly but, El proceso de construir una Europa moderna y, Mi recomendación a los fabricantes es que deberían comenzar por un, My appeal to the producers is that they should start with voluntary, An accompanying feature is the absence of social, It is also the best possible form of life. Bear in mind that there is a serious danger here, though you can be quite sure that I shall. Una conexión segura (cifrada) no constituye ninguna garantía de que su uso sea. Fancy a game? If we combine these and negotiate with China in a. Por este motivo, Europa debe hablar con los Estados Unidos segura de sí misma, pero también razonable y serenamente, y en un ambiente de camaradería. I can't believe how sloshed the bride was at her wedding!
9 mai 2020 10 mai 2020 mallotine 45 c The first two reactors are already operating safely and efficiently. Los buques antiguos deben retirarse de la circulación y eliminarse de manera. (without doubt) a. for sure. is not responsible for their content.
Copyright © IDM 2020, unless otherwise noted. Los peatones y ciclistas tienen derecho a desplazarse de manera rápida y. Cyclists and pedestrians must be able to proceed safely and quickly. skinny, grandma). A word or phrase that is commonly used in conversational speech (e.g. Why not have a go at them together! ¡No puedo creer lo peda que estaba la novia en su boda! Numbers in Spanish - How to count from 1 to 1000+, Spanish direct vs indirect object pronouns. The Lisbon Treaty now demonstrates that Europe is ready, confident and. √ 100% FREE. See definitions & examples ¿Aprendiendo inglés? √ Over 1,500,000 translations.
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