Articles were deemed relevant if they discussed social media and/or digital technologies and Indigenous Australians. Factors that hinder and facilitate the uptake of external research by policy-related officials are canvassed, with special attention to organisational cultures and practices. We report on findings of an evaluation of the Yaka Ŋarali' Tackling Indigenous Smoking program in East Arnhem Land. Working in partnership with young people, project outcomes will include the design of youth health services and community-outreach programs to curb the ongoing harm associated with adolescent pregnancy. Qualitative interviews with Yolŋu (N = 23) and non‐Yolŋu (N = 7) informants were conducted in seven communities between June 2014 and September 2015, with the support of Cultural Mentors, in homeland communities throughout East Arnhem Land. After reading and reviewing all relevant articles, a thematic analysis was used to identify overall themes and identify specific examples. The Cultural and Indigenous Research Centre Australia (CIRCA) will conduct part A of the TIS evaluation. Qualitative consultations will be undertaken with program staff, community members, and stakeholders. Monitoring and evaluation are related processes, but each has a different focus: monitoring provides the organisation and key stakeholders with early indicators of progress, and usually focuses on project outputs (the activities that a project has delivered); evaluation systematically assesses progress towards achieving outcomes. The evaluation of the TIS program for the next phase of the program will be split into a two-part process. Enter your email address below and we will send you your username, If the address matches an existing account you will receive an email with instructions to retrieve your username, By continuing to browse this site, you agree to its use of cookies as described in our, Moana P. Tane B Ed, PG Dip, PH, MPH (Hons), Marita Hefler MPH, GradDip IntSocDeve, PhD, David P. Thomas MBBS, DTM&H, MMedSc, FAFPHM, PhD, I have read and accept the Wiley Online Library Terms and Conditions of Use. METHODS: Qualitative interviews with Yolŋu (N = 23) and non-Yolŋu (N = 7) informants were conducted in seven communities between June 2014 and September 2015, with the support of Cultural Mentors, in homeland communities throughout East Arnhem Land. We respect all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people—their customs and their beliefs. The purpose of the strategy was to improve local health service delivery for Aboriginal Australians. Investment in the Tackling Indigenous Smoking program In response to advocacy highlighting the improvements being achieved in Indigenous tobacco control and the further improvements required, the Australian Government last year invested $184 million to continue the Tackling Indigenous Smoking program for a further 4 years until 2022. Interest in quitting among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander smokers appears to be influenced by a broad range of factors, highlighting the importance of taking a comprehensive approach to tobacco control.
Findings from 60 participants suggested the engagement process was effective: it was driven and owned by the Aboriginal community, captured a broad range of views and increased Aboriginal community participation in decisions about their healthcare. Discussion: Topics. Summary. Improvement in quality of performance report data over two waves of TIS performance reports (July 2016 and February 2017). We are leading a cross-sector team which includes independent experts and Academics. This section will provide you with the tools to monitor and evaluate your programs.
The evaluation of the TIS program for the next phase of the program will be split into a two-part process. Helping to close the gap by providing the evidence base to inform practice and policy in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health, This product, excluding the Australian Indigenous Health, About the Tackling Indigenous Smoking Resource and Information Centre, Tackling Indigenous Smoking Technical Advisory Group (TIS TAG), Using physical activity to enhance quit rates, Resources to monitor and evaluate your program, National Tackling Indigenous Smoking Workers Workshop 2019, guidance on what could be done better, which can be used to improve your project’s performance (progress towards and achievement of results), a check on whether you are meeting your project aims, feedback to everyone involved in the project, including community members and partner organisations.
The Australian Indigenous HealthInfoNet acknowledges the Traditional Owners of the lands and waters of Australia and the Torres Strait. Responses were coded for key themes, further analysed for similarities and differences between districts and cross-checked by the senior lead Aboriginal researcher to avoid bias and establish reliability in interpreting the data. Prof Tom Calma is an Aboriginal Elder from the Kungarakan tribal group and a member of the Iwaidja tribal group whose traditional lands are south west of Darwin and on the Cobourg Peninsula in the Northern Territory of Australia, respectively. This process of using monitoring and evaluation data to improve your project or activities as you go is known as continual quality improvement (CQI). Be realistic about what resources are available to undertake the evaluation. To describe factors that predict wanting to quit smoking in a national sample of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Tackling Indigenous Smoking Preliminary Evaluation Report. If you do not receive an email within 10 minutes, your email address may not be registered, A national evaluation of the TIS program will take place. In addition, relevant literature was gathered using citation snowballing so that additional peer-reviewed and grey literature was included. All rights reserved. Health literacy and public health: A systematic review and integration of definitions and models, Improving healthcare for Aboriginal Australians through effective engagement between community and health services, Social media and digital technology use among Indigenous young people in Australia: A literature review, Tackling Indigenous Smoking and Healthy Lifestyles Programme Review: A Rapid Review of the Literature, A Systematic review of studies evaluating Australian indigenous community development projects: the extent of community participation, their methodological quality and their outcomes, Technology use among Indigenous adolescents in remote regions of Australia, Health and Modernity: The Role of Theory in Health Promotion, Predictors of wanting to quit in a national sample of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander smokers, Achieving effectiveness in health promotion programs: Evidence, infrastructure and action, Are Policy-Makers Interested in Social Research? Design the evaluation – decide on the methods you will use to collect the information you want, such as counting how many attend a smoke-free community event (output), giving out a short questionnaire asking what people thought of the event, and whether those who attended learnt anything about smoking harms, benefits of quitting, or quit support available (outcomes).